
Do you have a heat pump? Do you like it?

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I am looking into an air to air. They are very expensive but apear to pay for themselves in just a few years.

I was wondering what the average cost is per winter to use and if it was worth it to convert?

I refuse to use oil this year!




  1. My daughter has a heat pump and her highest bill in the winter was 300,,,,,,,,, and that is only one bill,,,her electric too,,,,, we went one higher, geothermal and got rid of the oil burner,,,my bill in the winter has not gone over 400 so far,,,,,,,,,, one bill,,,,WAY less than fuel oil,,,,,,, I am really happy with the system....... its been over ten years.

  2. Yeah, I got one. I'm pumping you with it right now.

  3. well, my husband had a p***s pump one time.

    uhhh...i thought you said heart pump....

  4. I have an older house and converted air to air this past year. I also have new insulated windows (which help). My house is pretty big and my highest bill so far was $358.

  5. I live in florida, so we all get air conditioners that heat the house. We only have to have it on heat for maybe 5 weeks out of the year.

    I'm considering buying ice bricks to make my house into a square igloo. But someone told me its actually warm in those things, so I don't know.

    I dont even know what an air to air is. Is that like mouth to mouth? I dont think its your house that would heat up...

  6. I will actually answer this one seriously! Amazing!

    We always had a woodstove, and about 5 years back put in a heat pump. I had to have duct work and the whole shabang put was not cheap.

    Anyway, I love the heat it puts out, but so far I am less than thrilled with the price. I had an energy audit done last year, and was told since this house is older (has been fully remodeled) but we still have a lot of small energy it just keeps clicking on and going through it's cycles more than it should. My bill in the dead of winter was $400 bucks a month.

    Considering wood heat was basically free, since Iive in a forest..well, you can see why i am less than thrilled. We can fell our own timber and basically have free fuel all winter..just a world class pain and a lot of work, not to mention a mess.

    Also, I live in a mild climate, and it rarely even freezes. I've heard they are not too good if you are in a very cold climate.

    Maybe if my house was a different set up, it would work better. It's a big ol' rambling ranch style house, and has been added onto over the the heat has to travel more, etc.

    Just do your research. The convenience of it is wonderful, though I had not anticipated electric bills that high. Good luck!

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