
Do you have a home daycare?

by Guest33715  |  earlier

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What is your daily schedule, or do you have one? What activities do you do with the kids. Any major issues? I am looking for people that have a home daycare to share ideas. Thanks for your thoughts!




  1. Daily Schedule (subject to change :-))

    Arrival and breakfast until 8:00 AM

    Free play until approx 8:45AM

    Clean up/story/calendar etc to approx 9:20 AM

    Night night to the morning nappers :-)

    Center Rotation- numeracy, computer, art, sensory, literacy, fine motor.  Rotate approx 10 min (this is in my main living area and so I can't have a typical "center time" unfortunately. This runs about an hour...10:30 AM

    10:30-11:00- free play (often I place something out that is "easy clean-up" as an option and this keeps the rest of the toys in their place :-))

    11:00-11:30-Lunch time

    11:30-11:45-Independent reading (I have six and am by myself so this allows me to quickly get the kitchen back in order without too many hassles).

    11:45-12:45- outdoors

    12:45-1:00- wash-up/drinks, story

    1:00-3:00- nap time

    3:00-3:30- snack

    3:30-4:00- free play until dismissal.

    I could go on and on with activities so if you need specifics you can email me. I do suggest that you do themes.  Not only does it add interest for the children but it sure helps in planning!  I usually do a 2 week theme.

    I rotate toys every two weeks.  My main toy shelf is labeled with picture and word and the container is labeled with picture and word.  Even at 12 months they start to put things away.  I have a "baby toy basket" separated from the shelf.  I make sure I have an alphabet, numeracy, shape/color, blocks, dramatic play, fine motor, and science material out at every toy change.

    I use a dishtub inside of  wading pools for "messy" sensory play.  So necessary with the younger ones.

    Major problems?  Not really, I'm going on year biggest "problems" are my own children.  No matter how "well-adjusted" the child is...they will be affected.  My youngest is really just being himself and doesn't know how to act when the other kids are not around but my eldest was 2 when I started home daycare and at first he loved it but then he decided he didn't get enough "mom time".  

    Tip:  Set a schedule and stick to it.  This does not mean not being flexible...but the children thrive and your sanity is kept in check when everyone knows what's going to happen next.

    You are welcome to email me at anytime if you have a specific question...I'll try to be of some help.

  2. i dont but my mum does. she has a weekly schedule planning different activities everday.

    an example for one of the days:

    kids arrive: those who havent already, eat breakfast/free play

    play with play dough and puzzles

    morning tea

    drawing and painting


    outside play: bike riding, sandpit, water play

    afternoon tea

    quiet time: some may sleep, read stories and relax

    children go home

    hope this helped! =]

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