
Do you have a lot of potholes on the streets where you live like I do in LA?

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I'm so sick of the bad shape the roads are in. The city makes SO MUCH money from taxes - property, sales, gas and so on - why can't they repair 80 year old disgusting roads that wear out tires because of all the holes you dip into? How's it like in your town?




  1. i know what you mean, i dont think many people are complaining about it, and of course LA is corrupted

  2. yes

  3. tons of pot holes where i live... my friend was on her scooter and broke her arm from a pot hole

  4. Not so many on the streets here on Long Island (NY), but the expressway has some nice ones in the HOV lane this spring.  It makes it interesting - do you want to swing over to the shoulder and hit the rumble strip at 70, or do you want to bounce into a hole?  The holes keep you from falling asleep behind the wheel.

  5. i live near LA and yes there are potholes at this particular street. What a shame a portion of $$ sent to Iraq War can't be used to fix roads. THANK YOU BUSH!

  6. Yep, those little buggers thrive in the winter when it rains or snows...The littlest bit of moisture on pavement just loosens it up in certain spots - usually where it has been patched before...It is a combo of moisture, heat plus wear and tear from vehicle traffic, especially around intersections where everybody slides to a stop...It's really bad when it rains a bit and the holes fill with water and they become invisible and \\\POW!!/// - right in the left front!

    I used to drive a shuttle van and limo in the LA area, so I know where you're coming from.

  7. Here, in Massachusetts, many potholes have formed and are also pretty bad.

  8. you mean the inverted speed bumps? yeah, we have them too

  9. Welcome to Katy/ of the potholes! If they aren't already there our construction crews will be more than happy to create them for you! lol

  10. We had a freezing then warm and freezing then warm winter in Wisconsin so many of the roads became horrible almost over night. The bad ones got 100 times worse. I don't think it is in this years budget because no one anticipated all this so it probably will take awhile to get fixed.

    What was worse was when the snow was on the roads and it was really deep where the tire tracks were so the bottom of my Mazda would scrape the bottom of the hard salt/snow. Wisconsin sucks. And I don't live in a hick town either I live just a bit north of Milwaukee.

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