
Do you have a mentally challenged family member?

by  |  earlier

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Hey there, I have a bio schtizo sister. She is both bi polar and schizophrenic She is 21 and does not take her meds, drives everybody crazy, and is a mess. She does not shave her legs or armpits. Is super fanatical. She always has visions/hallucinations. She argues constantly, does not respect any authority. she goes catatonic every time someone is talking to her. She has refused counseling. She has already been hospitalized twice. Is there any Hope? Could she be possessed? Should we seek to religious treatment?




  1. Religious treatment is not going to fix your sisters problems.

    Doctors and meds and therapy are the only way for your sister to gain some control over he life and her mental health.

    Get her help if she is not able to do it herself.

  2. Well, i have a 15 year old little sister with ADHD, but i would not say that she is " mentally challenged "  just annoying and in need of discipline.  

  3. I myself have had a lot of experience with mental illness..being in the hospital a few times.. but thats besides the point. Posession is not real. No body could ever be posessed. Just try to see her psychiatrist and try to get her to take her meds...if nothing helps...then I would involuntarily admit her to the hospital again (i know it's not cheap..but i think its her only hope). there is a solution to this. Just keep trying and best of luck to you and your sister.

    by the way, mentally challenged and mentally ill are two separate things.

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