
Do you have a pet name for your child?

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I call my daughter turtle he he. The reason why is because when she first learned how to say it she used to say it over and over. Also because she is very slow in the morning (just like me).




  1. My son's name is Landon, but I call him Landon Bear and Boo Bear.

  2. I call my baby my sugarbug.  She's due September 2nd, so we'll see if that sticks or not!

  3. I call my stepson Booger.  lol I think it is because at one point he was FASCINATED with his boogers!  they are the coolest thing to him!  When he picks his nose, he would yell "look!  its a Gibber!"  (Thats what he calls them!) and he leaves it on his finger and would run around until someone would take it from him.  I know it sounds disgusting but it is so cute because he was just 2

  4. Poops Magee---As first time parents we were amazed how much a newborn pooped so we called him that and it has stuck ever since.  

  5. yeah, we call her mel-mel and little chimp because she was very hairy when she was born.

  6. My daughters nickname is Bird because when she was a baby when anything would come close to her mouth she would kind of shake her head back and forth while it is tipped back with her mouth wide open it was soooo cute and reminded us of a litlle baby bird.

  7. We call my daughter tinkerbutt or turkey, and sometimes twinkletoes, cause she walks around on them all day, lol.  

  8. I don't have kids, but my dad calls me Boo and I have a ton of other nicknames. Some of them are Kitty, Cat, Kitty Cat, Kansas, ect. And Pain In The A**. lol =P

  9. Well, his name is Jonathan, but everyone calls him Johnny.  But I call him "Bubby".  I don't know where the nickname came from, but it stuck, lol

  10. It seems like I have a nick name for every child I meet.  My son Lucas has many.  We call him Lou-Lou, Lukey-Lou, Bubba, Manny Moo and I'm sure a ton of others I can't think of now.  

  11. I used to call my son hambone...he was my little ham! Now I call my daughter "Changa" which is monkey in Spanish...I call her that cause she started walking at 9 months and at 7 mo she was into everything and trying to jump out of her high chair! OMG, she almost gave me a heart attack...she gets into everything and climbs everything! When she was 9 mo old I put her in the tub with my older son (very very shallow water) and I ran to get a wash cloth and ran back...and as I was running to the bathroom I saw a flash of a naked body run past me lol Something I will never forget! That girl is a maniac!!! so that is why she is the CHANGA!

  12. My 13 year old, Muffy; my 10 year old Snoopy.

    We use Little Miss, but thats another story.

  13. My oldest, we call him BB or just plain old Ben.  My twins are called Skeetielee and Cammy Jam.  My auntie can't tell them apart so she calls them SkyCam lol  

  14. I call my daughter stinker butt.  She thinks its funny sounding and there is a reason I call her that! Shes a little stinker!!

    Addition: I don't mean it in a bad way! I was always stinker growing up... I just added butt.  And I don't mean stinker like she stinks or anything, it's just she's into everything and is a typical growing and learning baby!

  15. I call my son Austin..Austie-Bear sometimes and when he was a baby I called him Babykins. No real reason for them, just because.  

  16. We call my oldest chicken butt.  It started when she was just a couple days old and would make clucking noises in her sleep. (So cute).  Now it's just stuck with her.  I've gotten some pretty weird looks from strangers when I forget where we are and call her that in public.  She's almost 7 and answers to that as much as her name, LOL!

  17. We call my youngest Rhubarb. Because when she got barbies she got a bit confused and I don't really know what she thought. Rhubarb and Barbies got confused in her head.

  18. Well I have 3 wonderful kids!

    Tyler (17)--------Tylove!

    Tatum (15)-----------Tater-tot!

    Tara (7)------------Taz

    I don't know, one day they just slipped out! :)

  19. I love calling my 1 year old Baby Gerber Face :) along with many others such as booger butt etc etc...he's just to darn cute!  

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