
Do you have a pet you are very close to?

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Like a favorite pet or something and why? What kind of pet is it and what is its name?

I'm really bored! Lol




  1. My favorite pet was my toy poodle, fluffy.  I got her when I was 8 years old.  She would sleep on the end of my bed every night.  She was one of the smartest dogs I have had and stubborn.  I could teach her a trick and in a very short time she would learn it.  She was very playful, but if I was ever sick she would just sit next to me and follow me around until I got better then it was back to her usual playfulness.  She always seemed to know if something was bothering me.  I know it seems weird, but whenever I was even sad or disappointed she would act differently.  I think she thought she was suppose to take care of me.  She was a great companion dog.  I had her until I was 25 and she stayed playful and fun loving to the end.


    it might surprise you but my husband and I have these as PETS.. and we love them all..

    they all have names..

    this one is STOMPER

  3. All of them. They each have a story.4 cats and a Macaw.One cat was the runt and I had to keep putting him on a nipple or he would have died, his sister was always the first out of the box and follows me everywhere I go in the house and out in the yard.Another came to me damaged, abandoned and pregnant. I fed her and took her to the vet. Only one kitten lived and she became the mother of my biggest male cat. Now I have the grandmother and grandson of that family.My bird has traveled 33 states with us on vacations. She has to get out and get soaking wet whenever it rains and we are in the car.She has flown in California and Nevada-out in the trees.Every year we "give" her the Christmas tree after we are done with it for her to climb in and clip off some of the branches for a little exercise.

  4. I have a cat named happy,I have had him for 13 years and he is my sweetheart. We have been together for so long,that I love him like he is a part of my family  :o)

  5. I have 50 animals (seriously) and I do admit to having a favorite. His name is Augen(eyes) and hes a cat.

    He was found (just like all my 6 cats) and my mom said that I could keep him. I raised him in my room, and he honestly thinks I am mama. We can have conversations. I say something, he weows back, back and forth for about an hour. lol. He is absolutly adorable, and I would not trade him for the world!

  6. My cat Peanut and I are very close.  We 'talk' to each other, and I can always tell what she's feeling or what kind of mood she's in.

  7. My bunny :) him and i spend about 6 hours hanging out, and maybe 3 of those just watching tv :D he's the best... Oh yeah his name is grasshopper, lol my 3 year old brother named him

  8. when i was 11, i raised a lab puppy by myself. we were bonded so deeply...i loved him! i think pets are spirits meant to be in your life

  9. I'm very close to all three of my cats. Rico is my special cat because I rescued him at 4 years old from a horrible environment he'd grown up in... a laundry room with 23 other cats and only 4 litter boxes that never got changed. I changed him from a timid, scared of everything cat, to a loving social lap cat. He is still afraid of outside but not afraid of strangers anymore.

    Sierra is my special cat because she's my only female (and the only other female in the house with me!) she's a huntress and brings me decapitated field mice... her way of saying I love you... I love most that she likes to l**k my toes and chew on my hair when I get out of the shower.

    Jack Jack is my special cat because he was a stray looking for a home, skinny to the bones but so loving and cuddly. He has an unhealthy relationship with food because he was so malnourished as a kitten, we've been working on that. What I love about him is that he loves to get on his hind feet and pull my hand to his neck with his front paws to get me to pet him. He never uses his claws and he drools when I pet him... so cute.

    All my cats like to follow me everywhere when I'm outside in the yard and play with bugs or with eachother nearby while I work and if I sit still inside they will all be laying somewhere on me within 15 minutes.

  10. Yes, i had a gerbil named blackbullet, and he was the cutest thing ever! He wasn't the smartest gerbil there is, but everything that he did made me laugh, so i'd always look at him whenever i was down or sad. Too bad i had to give him away a few weeks ago because my family had allergies. I don't know if the new owners will take care of him, but i know i did and gave him the best life he could have while he was here with me!!

  11. yes shes a cat called chico shes grey white and very fluffy!!!!

  12. I did. Her name was Mischief, and she was a lop rabbit.

    She was a rescue, from a bad home. She'd been left outside of her owners house, with no shelter. Her name was Milky-Way, and I I adopted her. After seeing her adorably Mischievous ways, I decided to change her name accordingly. She grew to love her name..and to live up to it.

    She always cracked me up. One night during a storm (spooky, howling wind), my bed began to shake. I was scared out of my mind, thinking it was a ghost. After lying there stiff and frightened for several seconds, I jumped out of bed and turned on the light. Suddenly, Mischief emerged from inside of my box spring. She had found a way to climb inside of it and was in there jumping around. LOL

    Then there was the time when she disappeared, and I went crazy looking for her and calling her all over the house. I checked under and behind every piece of furniture, and I was at my wits end, when I decided to splash some cool water on my face and calm down. I went into the bathroom, and low and behold..she was all curled up, sleeping behind the toilet. LOL

    She had a temper, too.

    She would turn right around with her nose up in the air, and stomp her foot when she was mad.

    If she wanted to make me feel bad, she'd go stand in the corner and wait until I noticed. I don't know where she learned that, but it was hilarious.

    One day she figured out how to get inside the "treat cabinet", and I found her shaking and ripping at a bag of yogurt drops until it opened.Out of all of the rabbits I've had, she She was my favorite, because she brought so much humor into my life, and because I wound up I rehabilitating her, and really bonding with her during her healing process.

    Mischief had never been given hay by her previous owner(?), and since rabbits must eat hay, the vet said that could be why she was prone to getting GI Stasis, a life threatening condition. She had it about 3 times, and was on right there at death's door step each time. Thankfully, I had such a good vet who was able to help me save her life, when her body was shutting down. It was tough, because the only real course of action to take, is to use a force feed solution.

    I hated having to force feed her.

    I'll tell you though..I learned something new.

    I never knew how powerful a rabbit's legs were until I had to force feed her and she kicked me.

    Thankfully, we got through her Stasis, and she survived.

    Some time after her recovery, she started showing odd sign of aggression, such as lunging, biting, and grunting. It was at a time when I was given extra hours at work, and I had to stay later each day. Honestly, I thought she was mad at me for working so much, and not spending enough time with her all of a sudden. However, one day I fed her, and I noticed that as she lunged and snapped at my hand, as it lowered the food dish into her cage, she was not on all four legs. I wondered why, so I observed her for a while. I saw a few puddles of urine on the cage floor, so I figured that she was having some type of behavioral problem (lunging, biting, peeing where she knew not to).She had a litterbox, and she always used it. Then I noticed something that drew a red flag in my mind. All of a sudden, she was  kind of slithering, or crawling like a soldier, instead of hopping.

    I took her right to the vet, and we discovered that she had spondylosis, a severe problem with the disks in her spine. The vet said that it's hard to tell how that occurs, and that it can be genetic, due to a weakness. She was in horrible pain, and that's why she was taking her aggression out on me.  

    As it turned out, she became in such pain, that she was no longer able to get into her litterbox. She began peeing in puddles on the cage floor. Altough it apeared to be a behavioral issue, it was actually due to intense pain. I learned a lot about rabbits through her.

    I tried lying her down on soft bedding, with pads to soak up pee and keep it away from her fur and skin, since she couldn't get into the litterbox but she kept crawling back onto the hard floor area, and making a puddle and lying part way in it. I would have to bathe and dry her. It was so much work, and I worried about her health, so I began diapering her. It seemed to be working out fine. I had to change her frequently, but it kept her dry and out of puddles. It seemed like the best course of action, but I didn't know what was to come.

    One day, she was trying to bite the diaper off, and she bit her skin.

    Honestly, I have no idea how in the world she was physically able to bite herself that hard. It tore the skin, and when I saw it, it broke my heart. I washed and dressed it every night and every morning, but somehow, (maybe she was biting at it) it became a big, gaping hole in her side. When I saw it, I lost my mind. I had picked her up to groom her, and that's when I saw it. I didn't know where int the world it came from. It seemed to have just suddenly appeared. I knew that it wasn't there that morning, and I was in a panic, so we went right to the vet.

    I thought she was going to die. The vet said that rabbit's skin tears very easily, even from just a small cut. He said he didn't know if I'd be able to save her, because the cage needed to be kept sterile, like an I.C.U. to keep her from getting a serious infection. On top of that, she had raw skin on her little bottom, from lying in her pee. I promised that I could and would do anything possible, to keep her alive. He said that it wouldn't be easy, since she was immobile now, and was not able to pee in the litterbox. He said I would have to find a fool proof way of keeping her in a sterile atmosphere regardless. I swore I would.

    It was almost absolutely impossible. I bought towels upon towels, and laid her on top of them. I bathed her every morning and every night, and dressed her wound. I applied baby diaper rash cream to her little bottom. At least twice a day, I scrubbed her cage and changed her bedding, and sterilized it in the wash. I can tell you, that there were many nights when I never slept. I was so afraid of losing her. The pain had taken her appetite, and she was in danger of getting G.I. Stasis, so I had all kinds of her favorite foods to help her eat. I would sit for hours each night, on my bed with her in my arms. Just comforting her. I'd wash her in the baby basin and gently dry her, and dress all of her wounds. Then I would massage her little feet and all of her aching muscles. I had to give her two types of pain medicine plus an antibiotic, and px diaper cream. She made it through, and from that moment on, we shared a bond like never before.

    I was so happy when the vet said she was fully recovered, and ready to start therapy for her spondylosis. In order to make her mobile again, she had to regain muscle and strength in her legs, which had been lost due to immobility, due to pain. I was advised to give her hydro-therapy in the bath tub at least once a day.

    Twice a day, put on her favorite music, and held her up in warm water in the tub, and helped her to walk from one side to the other. She loved to walk to music. To her, it just made the whole thing seem better. After I dried her, we had our massage therapy session. I massaged all of her little limbs, and after a while, she began flexing them better. One day, the vet said she was making such progress, that he would like to begin at least one session of dry therapy (walking with help, on the floor). I added that to our routine. It was hard for her, so we had lots of cuddling afterward, to sooth away all the bad stuff. I spent so many sleepless nights, just holding and comforting her, and rocking her in my arms.

    She began to sit up on all fours again, and began to walk a little bit, on her own. The vet saw a huge improvement, and told me about a wheelchair for pets. He said that he didn't think she would ever make it through, and he was amazed at our progress and my persistence. He said the wheelchair was about $250.00 and that with about a year of her being supported by that while walking- he felt she'd begin to walk on her own at last.

    It was nearing Thanksgiving, and my boyfriend and I were talking about Christmas. He told me that he knew I'd used up every bit of my savings on her vet bills and medicine. He said that he knew that all I wanted for Christmas was to see Mischief walk again, so he'd buy the wheelchair for her as my Christmas gift. After many phone calls and much research, I was able to locate a small company that was familiar with making these devices for animal.

    I was so excited for her new hope. One day Mischief began breathing laboriously, and moments later, she died  in my arms. No one had any explanation for me, but one thing's for sure. Out of all the animals I have loved, Mischief took a very special seat in my heart. She touched my life more than any other, because she needed so much, and I had so much to give. Some said she was supposed to go, and that I kept bringing her back from death's door, but that it was her plan. God had other things lined up for her. They say that's why even when every illness was fixed, and she was finally alright, she died anyway...with no reason.


    Mischief's meds and other special care supplies were donated to other disabled bunnies. I know she would be pleased. Hat's off to you, Mischief. You're still amazing!

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