
Do you have a phobia?

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Have you got a phobia?

Has it changed your life?

How and when did your phobia start?

I have a phobia of Yodelling :) :) :) I don't know why :) :) :)

Thank you :) :) :)




  1. spiders and wasps!!!!

  2. I am scared of feet (including my own) and can't touch them with my bare hands.  Seeing other peoples feet, or seeing others touch feet makes me nauseous.

    It started in early childhood, I don't know why.  

  3. Yes I have a dislike of height's, and I'm working to overcome it, the other month I was in a holiday abroad and I insists to have my room on the 30th floor just to get use to the idea.

  4. i hate spiders since i was like 3 and it has changed my life because if i see 1 i jump out of the nearest window (no joke)

    and i have claustrophobia underwater

  5. Yes, I do.

    I do have a lot of phobias.

    I am afraid of heights, close spaces, spiders and intimacy.

    I have these phobias since I know myself.

    I've heart that the only way to manage your phobias is to face them, fear from spiders - play with spiders, fear from close spaces - stay in close spaces, etc. I haven't tried managing with my phobias but I have to, especially about the fear of intimacy.

  6. Yes, Yes I do. It is a repartition phobia, A repartition phobia, A repartition phobia, A repartition phobia, A repartition phobia

  7. i think ive got a phobia of heights. i have been on a plane 7 times and im not scared but i think when i was younger like most kids you dont think or know about the dangers of most things. but as i am now 17 i know more about things that can harm or even kill you..... :s

  8. mine are,frogs spawn,morris dancers and bridges and driving next to any water

    the frog thing started when i was a kid,after finding loads of spawn in little stream that went through my garden had to walk out daughters school talk on frogs as soon as the jars of ucky jelly stuff came in.

    i was a kid when freaked out when i saw morris dancers they have the same effect on me as clowns do for lots of people.

    bridges started when i was  a kid remember screaming when going over the bristol suspension bridge about 4 yrs old,and have avoided bridges ever since i even have nightmares occasionally when I'm being forced to drive over one,last dream i was going over a bridge on my hands and knees!

    the bridge one has obviously made me paranoid to go very far and i cant drive or have anyone drive me near water,as i think the car will fall in and i will drown????

    i think I'm suffering from some sort of anxiety disorder!

  9. spiders and flies !!!!! ever since i was really small i have been terrified of flies and spiders. I think most people are but i seriously have a phobia. If im in a huge classroom and there is a fly in there...i have to get out ...cant stand it

    and if there is a spider in my bf has to get rid of it for me haha

  10. I have a phobia of deep water. I was snorkeling off the coast of Cornwall and dived down to the bottom, a depth of about 25 feet. I was looking around when a 6' foot Blue Shark passed over me. They are not notorious for being aggressive, but it circled for a while and I was running out of air.

    Eventually it left and I couldn't get to the surface quick enough.  

  11. Spiders scare me d**n there's one now see ya.

  12. most insects not spiders

  13. yes. im afraid of butterflies

    i have no clue why.

    my favorite season is winter now and whenever i see catipilars i squish them.

    dunno dunno.

  14. my boss has a phobia of buttons lol

    it's funny at the same time as horrible

  15. i have a phobia of perverts,

    and i see alot of them around

  16. Moths *shudder*

    They change my life because i look like a fool when i run away screaming! It started because i saw a moth, it flew at my face and now everytime i see one i think 'what if it flew into my mouth?' ewwww.

  17. I suffer from dumbquestionophobia.

  18. Yes, mine is a fear of these - >  :)  :)  :)

    Ugh, creepy little things that hang about - saying nuthin - doin nuthin - mute lille beggars.


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