
Do you have a plastic bag alternative for the bathroom trash?

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I would like to stop using plastic grocery bags in my household. The problem is we use them to line the garbage cans in the bathrooms and the office. We could probably do without them, except for the bathroom with the cat litter box. When we clean the litter box we put the icky litter into a plastic bag and then into the garbage. We do this daily. I do not want to put used kitty litter into the garbage plain. Any suggestions?? Our litter is not flushable.




  1. Check this site out:

    Trellis Earth biodegradable bioplastic bags are made from the highest quality corn polymers, starches and complimentary ingredients, for a completely earth-friendly solution. They can be disposed of with the knowledge that in the landfill they will naturally biodegrade with no toxic residues.

    You may also want to go by your local health food store, as they might have corn based alternative bags that are biodegradable in affordable quantities.

    Good Luck!

  2. I suppose you could reuse paper grocery bags?  

    Or if necessary, buy little brown bags of your own (recycled if you can find it) to put each day's worth of cat litter into.  Seal it up, then put it in trash.

  3. Dig a hole in a low spot in the yard and bury it.   After a couple years there won't be any low spot there anymore.     Congrats on using the grocery bags a second time instead of just tossing them or recycling them.

  4. Plastic grocery bags are often thrown away. Reusing them for kitty litter in plastic bags is a responsible use of an otherwise wasteful product.    If you do not utilize them, the alternative will be even more wasteful.  The bags will still get thrown away. You can request paper bags at the grocery store and use a more biodegradable alternative. But to be even more responsible, get paper bags from the grocery store, throw them away, they are after all biodegradable. and ask friends to save plastic bags for you. I have more than enough to share, so do most people.

  5. We have a cat and buy etheir a corn meal litter from the pet store or a product carried by PetCo that is called Swheat Scoop. Both are flushable, leave the room without the oder, and are editable so not harmful to animals or children. They cost a bit more but are terriffic!

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