
Do you have a poem that you post every time somebody says, "You're a non-writing dork!"?

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© 1993 TD Euwaite

Rain drops, a voice

Blue Clouds, a song

Torrent, a chorus

And Thunder, the drums

Matinee Showcase

By the window, it’s warm

Play me another, Afternoon Storm





  1. Nature's Ninth! I enjoy sitting at the window watching the afternoon storms come in.  Hurricanes and tropical storms...well another story.

  2. Storms really are music...lovely song to soothe the troubled senses...unless the winds make it an orchestral nightmare!

  3. Nice little verse, but when you write another of your many howlers I'll be on your case.

  4. Afternoons storms are my favorite sound. There is something very mysterious about a stormy sky. Love this poem.  

  5. This poem illustrates your long background in music. The metaphor of storm as musician putting on a show for you "Matinee Showcase," engages the senses. I like the image of the narrator warm and safe, viewing the storm as a song, accompanied by thunder as drums--as a positive, rather than a negative aspect of nature.

  6. This is very pretty, and sensitive and to me romantic.

    I always loved rainy indoor days nice for doing two things one was baking chocolate chip cookies!


  7. Musical Weatherman. What can you do with the sports results?

    Good poem, most enjoyable. Quality.

  8. There's a Trigee hiding in there....

    (You are not a dork. A dork is someone who goes around reporting your questions for no reason.)

  9. You gave afternoon storm a merry melody. Thanks for sharing, Maestro.

  10. Whomever would say that you're "non-writing"?

    I like this one, '93 must have been a good year.

    Edit: (You should have shown this to CS last week.)

  11. Nice choice of words, very visual scene painted here.

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