
Do you have a problem with President Bush attending the Beijing Olympics?

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Do you have a problem with President Bush attending the Beijing Olympics?




  1. No. He's keeping busy elsewhere and not f'ing things up when he's focusing on the Olympics.

  2. None, whatsoever.  

  3. No. He's a sports fan and probably will enjoy it.

    As for boycotts, like Carter did to the USSR's olympics, that was a stupid political stunt and a failure of judgment. Thank goodness we attended the 1936 Olympics.

    I'd prefer to de-politicize and de-commercialize the event altogether.

  4. No, but I wish our athletes would have all flipped him the bird in unison.

  5. No.  I think that it's a good thing to try to have good relations with other countries.  Even if it's China.  And come on, it's the Olympics!  Staying away might upset China and make it less willing to cooperate with us and give people freedom.  

  6. Only if there isnt an attempt to arrest him there and send him to the hague.  

  7. No, but I  think it was not wise for him to condemn China about it's human rights. We owe China a lot of money, and it seems unwise to take the chance of upsetting them.  

  8. No, he is there to support our athletes.....

  9. No. But there is a problem with him yelling at China about Human rights.  

  10. Yes, especially when members of his party are giving speeches in congress with the cameras off and the lights out. The Republicans strongly wish to address an energy plan for the future as well as present in order to help the American people who may end up paying more than 5 bucks a gallon to fill their tanks or whatever astronomic costs that it will take to heat their homes this winter. He shouldn't be in Beijing having a little vacation, he needs to call congress back in session.  

  11. Even if it's China?  it's the Olympics! upset China?give people freedom? Who you think you are? if you know nothing except rumour and groundless speculations about another country,just shut up or do sth that not need brain, like gang bang...elsie!

  12. I do have a problem with The Olympics being awarded to China, but I think our President should attnd for diplomacy since we arent at war with them. The politics should have came into play in deciding who gets the Olympics, but whats done is done and President Bush had no role in that decision.

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