
Do you have a problem with being lazy?

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I can't seem to get off my butt and get anything done. Yesterday I was very depressed and cried most of the day. Today I am feeling better and I need to get up and do something, but I just don't have the desire too.




  1. people only do things because it satisfys them. if it satisfys you to sit around all day, then do it.

    a person will work for $100 dollars. once satisfied, they take a rest.

    another might need $1000 so they continue to work.

    another might need $10,000

    another might need $100,000

    some people won't rest until they reach $1,000,000.

    some people just don't care to be multimillionaires.

    it depends on you. if you are satisfied with $10. Rest!!

    besides.. what law says you can't?

  2. This is a hard situation.  You have to get motivated.  You must strive to accomplish something.

    I used to be rather lazy too.  Just get off your ***, go outside and do some jumping jacks.  You know, get that blood pumping, get those muscles active.  The mind will follow.  Soon you will want to explore the world, climb the highest mountains, travel to the deepest depths of the sea.

  3. I have no prblem at all with being lazy . It just comes to me so naturally ..... yaawwnn.

  4. I feel the same way : (

  5. Well, you have to get up and go along with it if you want to do something.  I mean how else are you going to enjoy yourself if you don't do the things you want to do?

  6. i can't stand a dirty house and i am in college so no, i cannot be lazy.  I also have other work to do as well.

    I have had those lazy days when i was depressed and just felt like giving up but usually when i get into that mode, a friend will come along and snap me out of it.  

    Maybe you should go join a group or church or somthing and try to get a job or go to college!

    Oh, i forgot...all our jobs are being outsourced,  and college tuition is outragous!   I am depressed now so i am going to go back to bed!

  7. laziness is simply a lack of motivation. you also need to realize that if you are *depressed* not wanting to do things (even the things you used to like doing) is one symptom of depression, so you may want to have that checked. Yes, I have a problem with laziness sometimes, honestly I just drink coffee.

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