
Do you have a problem with moms who nurse in public?

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Do you have a problem with moms who nurse in public?




  1. nope, i mean, you gotta do what you gotta do.

    if i were a mother and my baby was hungry and crying, i would have to feed it.


    im not so sure i would feel comfortable doing it in a public place.they make breast pumps so you can pump the milk into a bottle for the baby in case you need it later, that seems like a good idea to me! (although i have never had a child and im not too sure how comfortable it is to pump your breast)

  2. Not if they're discreet I don't.

  3. I never had a problem with it. I did it with my first and I will be doing it again when my second is born. If anyone has a problem with it I usually tell them to feel free to leave the room.

  4. As a fifteen year old, I would rather have a mother nurse their child rather than have the child scream and cry and throw a little hissy fit because they were hungry and their mother wasn't doing anything about it. I see this happen a lot in some malls and I'm disgusted about it! The kid is obviously hungry so stop and give it something to eat!

    But no, I have no problem with moms who nurse in public, but keep in mind I've never really seen them. They have to do what they have to do to feed their child.

    If you don't like it, don't look. Nobody is making you look, just turn your head the other way if you have that big of a problem with it and keep the rude comments to yourself and walk on.

  5. No because they need to feed there babies and its not illegal so who cares?If a women can't get pregnant there are other alternatives,they maybe expensive but if they want a baby that bad they will do it.I have had a miscarriage myself and every time I saw a baby I would cry but I slowly got over the grieving process.Its natural and good for them to be sad.Its not healthy for them to bottle it all up.

  6. not at all!!  after all, that's what a women's breast was made for!  after all, nursing is better for the baby- why do people take offense that a mother is taking care of their child?  it's kinda sad!

  7. it looks kinda wierd, im ok with it as long as the mom doesnt expose her breast to the young ones.

  8. I don't see any problem with it. I personally was unable to breastfeed but if I did I surely would not have a problem doing so in public, just as long as it's covered up.

  9. no not all, as long as they don't have a problem with me pulling out my bottle of formula to feed my daughter.

  10. YES I HATE IT. I think it is rude and no one wants to see that. And is is also very inconsiderate to other women bc you never know if a woman who just lost their baby or cant get pg walks by... it makes them upset... I would know.

  11. To Peekablue- "Old-fashioned"???  Breastfeeding has existed for all of time.  Bottles and breastpumps are only a few decades old.  Bottle feeding is not the more "polite" choice, as you imply.  Why should a mother put the comfort level of strangers ahead of her own baby's needs?  Obviously, you dont know much about breastfeeding.  Pumping is very difficult and often impossible for MANY women.  It can take several pumping sessions to get enough milk for even one feeding.  Why should a mother spend hours with a breastpump just so she can go out in public with her child, when she can instantly feed her baby straight from the source?!  Not only that, but many breastfed babies can not use bottles.  They create "nipple confusion", because they require a different kind of latch, and the baby cant figure out how to use it!  Pumping and bottles can be a total pain for some mothers and babies!  So should they just stay home until their baby is weaned so you can be comfortable walking through the mall?

    I find it offensive it a big fat man has his hairy butt hanging out, or if a  young woman has her b***s hanging out, but does that mean I have the right to ask them to "cover up"?  No, I can simply look away.  And if you dont like breastfeeding, you can look away too!

  12. Not at all. My only issue would be of small children who may not understand what the nursing process is. Every woman I have seen nurse in public have been completely respectful of everyone around them.

  13. no because I am one - when i have to be - because trust me, I LOVE those mother/baby rooms that don't stick you on a chair beside a stinking nappy bin in a toilet that old ladies come to use because they don't want to queue with the other ladies due to whatever complaint they have so they stink it up even more.  But the decent changing rooms etc are not always available and I'm not making my baby go hungry and scream the place down just because someone sees we pull a shawl across my chest and knows what's happening.

  14. I have *no* problem with moms who nurse in public.  I *do* have a problem with inconsiderate moms who go out of their way to make it obvious that they are going to nurse, are nursing, and have the right to nurse.  I don't care at all if a mom is uncovered, nursing in the middle of anywhere, but when that comes with an attitude, I struggle.  Fortunately I've only seen this a handful of times and it isn't at all the norm.

  15. nope sure don't wip it out and feed them as i say as it is natural and well who wants to eat in a bathroom in public

  16. I don't have a problem with it but on occasion it has caught me offguard.  I have seen a preschooler (age unknown) speaking in full sentences (and not wearing a diaper) approach her mom and ask for milk using a 6 word sentence.  That's a little weird, and then there are the boob flashers which is also strange but for most that are discrete and appropriate i have no problem with it, even when its at the table of a restaurant.

  17. Nope because Ive done it before and will be doing it again in like 3weeks!! I dont think there is a problem because its natural, thats why women have breast milk  to feed their babies!! I hate those rooms that are made for women to breastfeed in because it makes me feel like its not acceptable to breastfeed or that its not normal!!

  18. I think breastfeeding should be done discretely.  They do make breast-pumps, so you can pump some milk to be fed from a bottle on those occasions when you're in public.  

    I wonder how many thumbs-down I'm going to get for that...pardon me for being old-fashioned.

    So, what do women do if they need/want to go out for a few hours without the baby?  The baby will most likely need to eat while she's out, so it's got to use a bottle then.  Anyway, I'm only saying that if it must be done, it should be done discretely, so as not to draw attention.

  19. no. it is a natural thing and i think it's ridiculous that people get angry and offended about it but they have no problem with people wearing hoochie clothes that expose body parts all over the place. i have NEVER seen a woman breastfeed where she is showing any part of her body that is inapropriate. people need to stop associating b*****s specifically with sexuality because that isn't what they were made for. they were MADE to feed babies!

  20. No, but as a breastfeeding Mom - cover it up, there's no need to flop your boob everywhere.

  21. I agree with Peekablue. Yes, it's very needful for your baby to have breast milk at any time of the day no matter where you are. But, don't you think thats a little too much? Exposing your breast in public and having a baby feed off of it? I don't mind if I get thumbs down. Nudity is illegal anyway.

  22. Yes, because the last time I saw this, the kid was

    8 years old...GEES!


  23. I do it all the time.  People need to get over it already.

  24. No, if the baby is hungry feed it. Would yu feed your baby a bottle in public? there's no difference.

  25. Not particularly. I mean, women with breast implants are so degrading to us smart feminists, and they're on the cover of Playboy, which is avaliable wherever (a lot of places) you go. I get p/oed when a woman walks around naked, but if it is for the wellbeing of a child, then absolutely. But if the woman is a snob about it and walks around the pediatrician with a naked boob or something, then yes, I do mind. Anyone who is polite and kind to their children are welcome with me.

  26. no there babies need to eat too!!!!!!!!!

  27. No I don't, it's no different than moms who give their child an apple while in public.  They are feeding their child!

  28. Breast feeding is the most natural thing in the world, and nudity is the second most natural thing in the world.  I have no problem with it what so ever.

    I wonder how many of these people that say no are 25 and younger, or male?  I also wonder if those people have issues with having it all hang out in other contexts.

  29. None at all, Ms Jai!

    And people who are offended by it need to seek counseling. LOL!

    What is wrong with a mother caring for, and nurturing her child?

    I think it's one of the most beautiful sights on earth!

    Those who are offended by it, should ask themselves the following question: Would they rather be around a contented child in mothers arms, or listen to a hungry child screaming in their ear?  Case Closed!

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