
Do you have a problem with people who never want kids?

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I was looking at this article and saw some of the comments on there from the parents saying that the childfree are selfish and have no lives.

Now I'm childfree by choice for many reasons which I can't explain, and yet, I have faced harassment. At this day of age since so many want kids, are the childfree doomed to be single forever? I really can't see myself with a girl who is already a mother or wants kids, just a CF girl.

Do a majority of parents have a problem with the childfree? Do you think the childfree deserve to be alone, as most make it seem that way?




  1. No i do not have a problem with someone who has no kids.

    Why would i? What i do have a problem with is someone who does not have kids and trys to tell you how to raise your own kid.

  2. no. No one should have kids if they don't want to. It is their choice. I am a mum and I am alone, like millions of others. So it is not just the ones without kids that are child free

  3. I think it's ridiculous to judge people by whether they have children or not!

  4. I think it's all up to the individual. If you don't want children, that's a personal decision. However, I do think children are blessings... they teach us so many things... and as the Whitney song goes, "...children are our future." :-) But you shouldn't have to face harassment... it's a personal choice whether or not you want to have children.

  5. i dont want to have kids ! EVER

    because of so many reasons

    i wanna be single ,but even if i ever marry (which i will not)

    i will noooot have kids

    i have not decided this only because i want to enjoy life but there are so many reasons that i can not write in words , i think some people will understand

  6. It is not selfish to be childfree because you are helping a bit with the overpopulation issue.  It is not selfish, in fact it is selfless in a way because you are not bringing a child into the world who you cannot provide for (emotionally, financially, etc).  Childfree people should get married if they want to...I believe there is a soulmate for everyone.  Honestly, I never heard of parents calling the childfree selfish...I think it's stupid and I wish those people didn't have kids and add such insolence to the gene wonder the worlds in such a freakin mess...

  7. if they dont want kids just because they want to party all there lifes then i think thats selfish also i think it will be a little hard to find someone that dont want kids i think we r put here to have kids and keep things going

    i dont care that all of u r giving me bad ratings i just know all of u r selfish so go ahead and be alone forever thats what u deserve

  8. me and my hubby waited till year 7 of marriage to have a baby - so many many people assumed we were childless by choice - i guess cuz they would hint around (without actually being so rude to ask) if we were having fertility issues and we weren't (we were just being careful NOT to get pregnant) so i never said anything like that - so many of the women in my office assumed i did not want kids and were mean to me because of it. and when i made the huge HUGE mistake of saying to a working mom with 5 children, that we were waiting till i could afford to stay home - OH MAN that didn't win me any friends - they felt like i was judging THEM! which - HONESTLY, what the heck do i care about THEIR situations?!?!? anyway, be prepared to be treated like p**p by parents who are overwhelmed and sad. I have a child now (and i stay home) and i still feel the resentments - and the constant question of when are we going to have another???

    WHY OH WHY do people care about other people's lives? Don't they have enough to worry about? Anyone who would discriminate against you for that is not someone you should care to know anyway. Everyone has a different path to walk in this life. Thank goodness were not all the same.

  9. no i dont, i have a problem with people who think they want a child, or even know that they dont, and end up pregnant any way, then there is just one more unwanted, abused, neglected baby  in the world.

    i have 2 kids, i wouldnt trade them for anything in the world. but its good to see someone smart enough to realize they dont need or want a child BEFORE they have isnt selfish,if it just doesnt suit you then dont do it, thats like saying, oh you dont want to go to college and be a dr and help people, youre selfish, people dont need to be pushed  into having children, its hard enough when youre heart is in it, it would be almost impossible if it werent.

  10. No, parenthood isn't for everyone. Thank goodness we are all different.

  11. I don't think it's anyones business what someone else does with their life.

    I have seen a lot of derogatory comments from non-parents, slagging off parents and their kids and calling them b******s, wild animals, or disgusting, saying they hate kids and the like. So it's a two way thing, there are arseholes on both sides of the fence. I personally don't give two hoots if others don't want children, I have honestly never thought about it-why would I?

  12. I hear there are people that express this prejudice. But I have personally never run into them. If a couple has no children, I have no way of knowing why--and so I don't know how anyone could even condemn them even if they thought they had some kind of "obligation" to have children.--it might be any one of a number of medical problems or considerations, for gripes sake.

    Beyond that it is just ridiculous, and absolutely no one's business.

  13. I work retail with mostly older ladies, who are all very sweet and I love them dearly, but when I first started working with them, they were like, "Oh, you're 26?".l.."how many children do you have? "none? well, it's about time you started thinking about that..."  ugh.

  14. No, parenthood is something different.If you have chosen to be childfree then accept that your life is going to be different and things are not going to be easy for you. A lot of women have  a relationship for the sake of having a kid and it is important to make it clear at the first meeting. There are all kinds of people,sure you shall find someone for you.

  15. No I don't have a problem with people who don't want kids, just find it hard to understand them.

    If there are guys out there who, like you, don't want kids then surely there are also girls who feel the same. Just don't expect a girl who wants kids to give that up for you.

  16. I have absolutely no problem with people who doesn't want kids. Not just because of today's growing overpopulation, but because people should be free to choose themselves. After all, having kids most certainly isn't for everyone.

    It's a decission which will affect a parent for the rest of his/her life. In addition, if something is forced onto someone they're not very likely to do a good job with it.

    Of course people can be a good parent without wanting to be one, but I'd rather not have parents who would've prefered to not have me. People who doesn't want kids is, in my opinion doing themselves and others a favour by not having kids.

    However, opinions and thoughts change, at times a lot during a lifetime. But still, it's better to want to have kids when we don't have any than not wanting kids when we have.

  17. I have enough to worry about with my own life than to sit back and worry or care if someone is childfree, and what their reasonings are behind it. Having kids is a personal decision. And it's one that shouldn't be taken lightly. Some people are absorbed with their lives. And there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with that. At least they can admit it and say that they can't give a child the time and attention they deserve. It's alot more admirable than some people wanting kids and then neglecting them because they're still hung up on themselves. I don't think you deserve to be alone. As long as you're honest and upfront, then you deserve as much happiness as anyone else.

  18. You're hanging out with the wrong people.  I have never had a problem with someone choosing not to have children.  The only time I've run into trouble is when a childless person makes inappropriate comments about how child-free is better, or negative comments about those who do have children.

    But the choice to conceive/not conceive is a personal one, and both choices are fine.

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