
Do you have a process for things you create?

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I love to get a chance to sit down near someone at work on a piece of art(or writing) and to just watch them work. To me, it is like magic. Something comes from nowhere, something is made from nothing. I find it interesting how everyone has a different approach to the act of creation. Some sit and ponder every letter or every stroke of the brush... so careful and meticulous. Some work as if they are on fire, rapidly writing or typing or slashing madly to create something... like trying to grab hold of something before it disappears and can no longer be captured in a way that could be shared.

My question is... what is your style and how do you work when creating something?




  1. i totally agree.  i have no artistic talent but i LOVE watching people draw.  how everyone does it in their own special way, their own style, their own system.  its entrancing, watching something appear on a page with a few strokes of  a pencil.  i prefer watching people sketch, but once the process is over, the art seems to die, which is why i cant stand drawing. its like bringing something into the world just so it can fade away in moments.  people find it annoying when i watch them draw.  i dont know why...  maybe because i go like catatonic :)  i draw by just doing whatever comes to me.  i dont know what im drawing until its almost done.  theyre never very good, but i enjoy the work until its over.

  2. My process when I paint is usually a long and drawn out event...find pictures, graph, etc....but when inspiration strikes and I have to sketch something out NOW, there's usually lots of scribbles and crazy angles. Especially in the inspiration sketch, I don't worry too much about clean lines..just getting it out there.

    When I paint though, it's all about getting something to look just the way I want it to, or think it should. Everything is very controlled and precise.

    Music, for me, is a really huge deal. I have music playing almost all the time...especially when I'm working on art...and writing.

    Usually a phrase from a song sparks something when I write(fiction)and I either end up working it into a story, or rushing to sketch out an image.

    So pretty much, I think the process differs a lot depending on what you're doing...sketching, painting, or writing.

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