
Do you have a "Thrill Up Your Leg" over Hussein & Biden, like the BDS suffering liberal biased media has?

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Rendell: 'MSNBC Official Network of the Obama Campaign'

Speaking at a discussion put together by the Joan Shorenstein Center on Press, Politics and Public Policy, he called the coverage of Barack Obama "embarrassing," and accused MSNBC of being "the official network of the Obama campaign."




  1. I feel a chill up my spine to know that the US media is no longer about reporting the news but just another branch of the Obama campaign.

  2. Well, the media is doing what they can for 'their guy', somehow I believe it's going to back-fire on them.

    ..even the 'media darlings', The Beatles were scorned after the media honeymoon was over.

  3. No, but I have reason to pray that the liberal biased media keeps suffering more and more and one day either becomes like FOXNEWS Fair and Balanced or disappears entirely.

  4. i find them more a pain in the butt than a thrill up the leg

  5. No I do not.  This ticket is too liberal.  It's not "change" that we want.

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