
Do you have a recipe for sirloin tips?

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I am have a few people over for dinner that happens to be during Ramadan. I'm make a few dishes, including Saffron couscous, B’stilla, and others that Italian and American. I have a package of frozen sirloin steak tips and I thought maybe I could prepare them in a way that would go with the Saffron Couscous and in away that would make my friends not miss home so much. Does anyone have a steak recipe? Or can I substitute steak for lamb?




  1. I would use them in Noodles Romanoff.  there are many recipes for that on web - just use search engine.

  2. try one piece before that dinner as a rehearsal !

    wash the steak, leave to drain, heat a tefal plate or a griller .

    when it is Hot , put the steak on one side till it is brown.

    turn over , leave till brown .

    repeat the turning till it is as you like it .

    remove and place on serving dish.

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