
Do you have a residential spider that likes to spin webs right in front of your apartment or house door?

by  |  earlier

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I have what I call a "residential" spider. This little dude or dudette, likes spinning webs right in front of my apartment door. I work late into the evenings and sometimes in the wee hours.

Right before I get to my apartment stairs, I start looking and feeling for cobwebs. As soon as I think it's all clear, I walk about 2 feet into a face of nearly invisible cobwebs. The spider is probably giving its spider buds "high fives" because I managed to get webbed again.

( ^ _ ^ )




  1. hehehe, thats so cool. no, but we had this humming bird that kept hanging out by our was there almost all day! it was insane! xD

  2. LOL>

    Yes, where we used to live we had a huge orb weaver spinning webs between the 2 big supports right outside our front door. We were constantly running into that web, and every time we tore it down the spider would rebuild it. Just give it a little time, it won't take too long before the spider moves on (or dies) and you won't have to worry about it anymore. Something we used to do was set a broom near the door so we'd sweep across the supports just in case there was a web there we couldn't see. Works pretty well. Good luck!

  3. i wish i had big spiders, or black widows near me id keep them as pets

  4. omg haha i have a black widow out side the gate of my house and its huge then theres always these huge spider wich look like there on staroids and they hang from tree to tree and when ever its late and i get home i always seem to walk into them hahah

  5. Haha.


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