
Do you have a scary true paranormal story?

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This is the place to tell! I love scary BUT they have to be TRUE!




  1. Some years ago I went with friends to Prague, Czech Republic.  Prague is reportedly the most haunted city in Europe.  If not the world.  Late one night I went for a walk after seeing one of the famous puppet theatres in Wenceslas Square.  I had met a very nice Italian couple and walked them back to their hotel.  They told me not to miss the Charles Bridge Tower dating back centuries.  And I planned on visiting it the next morning.  

    In the meantime, despite the hour I walked through winding old streets where the buildings leaned precariously inward and the old stones echoed with my steps.  It was almost Christmas and the night was cold and daank.  I soon found myself lost in a foreign city where I did not speak the language and it was after 2:00 AM!  Suddenly our of the gloom a tall stranger dressed in black with a floppy old fashioned hat covering his face partly.  He asked if I was lost and I said I was.  Could he direct me to Wensceslas Square.  He said he would accompany me to the square, but that he could not go further.  He told me his name was Val.  He said he had lived in Prague for many, many years.  

    As we walked along various night characters stepped out of doorways and begged for spare change or tried to offer me s*x.  To each Val put up his hand and said something in Czech that caused the intruder to back away and look scared. I was grateful for his help, but at the same time it all seemed a bit strange.  Finally Val got me to the square and told me if I stayed above the fountain I would not be bothered by street people.  I started off and turned back, but Val was gone.  

    The next day I and my friends went to the Charles Bridge and climbed the steps of the ancient tower. Names and dates, some recent some hundreds of years old were carved in the old stone walls.  Then halfway up the tower stairs the lights went out.  I had to manage walking up several turns of the stairs in complete darkenss.  Later coming down I turned a corner that had before been dark and was now lit.  There in the center of the wall was a name which no one had disturbed.  All others were carved a respectful distance away from the largest name and date carved into the stone.  

    VAL 1685.

  2. i have a disease that causes me to pass out from overheating (i dont sweat) and i die. my heart stops and i stop shuts down my brain basically.

    when this happens..almost every single time..i see things happen before my eyes. the first time it happened...they brought me back and i looked at my mom (i was only 6 at the time) and asked where carl was. she asked me why and i said i just saw him and he was running with me playing and told me that he would always love me. then he said goodbye but he would see me in my dreams.

    later that day he died...he had cerebral palsy and was bound to a wheelchair the entire time he was alive.

    it was the craziest thing had ever happened to me..and i had more experiences like that every time it happened with someone i loved in them that passed on later that day or in the days to follow.

    to this day..everytime it happens and i see something.i wake up and keep it to myself. i have been told im crazy more times than once just for telling the story about carl so i dont tell anyone anymore...but i have seen things no one can explain and i believe ive been used by the ones who love me for a reason.

    theres no doubt in my mind im being watched over by every single one of them.

  3. I was asleep in my room it was morning but the curtains were drawn so there was only a tiny bit of light. I was having a dream 2 psychologists were sat talking the first one says:how did you know she was evil? the other says I saw the evil in her eyes. Then I saw a girl in the corner of the room looking up at me with very piercing eyes...this is when I started to wake up..I felt a huge energy on my forehead (like when you hold something an inch away from the spot between your eyes you can feel it) something in my brain forced me to open my eyes..there it was something black blocking my vision..I then heard a sound in my head kind of like a horse when its scared and the object quickly vanished I actually felt something crawl on my covers. I opened the window and there was nothing in my room....(true story)

    If you want a horror movie that isnt just gore id look up J-horror or thai horror there the closest to what its really like.

    I recomend Ringu 1 & 2, shutter, & The Eye.

  4. my bff had this house that was built on ancient indian burial grounds one night i was sleepin over and only her mom was home we slept in the keeping room (room beside kitchen used to hold and entertain guests while meal is being prepared) there was this old fashion piano her grandmother had died a month before and at her funreal my friends sis sang the song from phantom of the opera when Christan (spelled wrong) is singing in the grave yard well that song started playing softly on the piano and gradully got louder then my friend ran 2 get her mom and she was asleep i had heard that u can see a ghost at night if u take a pic w/ a digi camera a white glob will appear at the top and there it was int eh pic i took i white globe on the piano bench.

  5. i was typing on the internet late at night like a 3am, when i feel the hair on my back stand, then i turn and saw a small creature that people claim it was a demon, i freak out and moved out, all true.

  6. When I was in the 6th grade my friend had a slumber party.  For fun we thought we would play with the ouiji board.  While we were playing, we asked the spirit or whatever where it was.  Right after we asked, all of the sudden all the faucets in the restroom simultaneously turned on.  No one was in there because, we were a roon connected to the restroom.  So no one could have gone in without us noticing.  It was pretty scary.

  7. A few years back, my husband, our best friend, best friend's mom, bff now ex-gf and a few others were walking down this old logging road where our best friend and his mom's,  (g) g grandma  is buried (she was a sac and fox healer).  This is in the upper part of WV closer to Ohio.  Now mind you this is early fall, and the road is about 3 miles long and rugged.  When you go down in it is a steep hill.  Well, my bff mom and I were walking down the other side of this mountain type hill.  She said you know of all the years I have been coming here, I have never found where my parents carved their intials in a tree.  We were walking along and a little further something caught my eye and I said "Mom is this what you are looking for?"  She started to cry and said YES, I can't believe you found that.  Anyways my husband, bff and his ex stayed behind, and I drove back around to get them where we were at the beginning.  I fell asleep for about 1 hour, I woke up and I saw this little boy standing there in this old shirt and jeans at the top of the hill were I was parked.  I got freaked out, started the car and was going to come back later.  Next thing I know my husband (a big guy about 275lbs) came hulling butt up this steep hill telling me to get out of the way so he could get in the driver's side.  He out ran the bff ex who is in the navy.  I was like what is wrong with you, and he is going on about me not believing him.  I asked did you see the little boy, and he said yes so did the bff ex.  They saw him at the edge of the cemetery.  Well as they came up the hill, and got in the car, a freaking bat dropped down on the windshield and got caught in the wipers.  This was still daylight out.  This is a true story.

  8. If something is "true", as in real, then it wouldn't qualify as paranormal.  So anything real isn't paranormal and anything paranormal isn't real.  I'm not just saying this to throw down some silly argument in semantics, I'm serious.

  9. i had a dream about a friend i lost touch with & in the dream my friends faced was messed up so when i woke up i looked his name up online & found his obit & a news story that he died in a car crash.

  10. no i sure don't. i watch the shows called a haunting, and believe when the bible says when we die we will be with him(JESUS). so i believe the ghosts are demons. i do not mess with things i don't understand.

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