
Do you have a secret you can't share with anyone?

by  |  earlier

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It's not a bad secret, I didn't do anything bad. That's not what I meant.




  1. Yes, and even I don't know what it is.

  2. Of course. You can't just go and tell people everything about yourself. You need to keep somethings to yourself even if your married or what ever.

  3. Everyone  does, and that's why they call it a secret. Enjoy yours.

  4. no. i have a friend that i have told everything to. even the things i take no pride in. even the things that i find i hate most about myself. i can do this because she accepts me for who i am. nothing i have told her has changed the way she looks at me. that is why i married her.

  5. Nope.  I share it all with my best friend in hubby.

  6. Of course everyone have one or more secrets

  7. yeah... i cant live without her... n its killing me...

    i wish she knew..

  8. even if i did, why admit to it? then it's not quite a secret anymore.

  9. Of course! If you don't you haven't really lived your life.

  10. yeaa i do, lots of them- somethings are better left un said while others are more personal.  But I have had my share of sharing them, but only with one person my boo.  

  11. Yes, it's so secret that I do not know the complete truth myself - it's who I really am as a person in entirety; mind body & spirit.

  12. I have a secret that if I told anyone, my dad would most likely be fired and we would have to move far away. (No he didn't kill anyone or do anything illegal)

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