
Do you have a sense for whether Anderson Cooper is a liberal or a conservative?

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Just curious, and the only reason I post this question is because I think he does a BETTER JOB than almost anyone else on TV of staying NEUTRAL on controversial liberal/conservative issues--and I can't personally tell if he leans one way or the other (unlike most of the other television news hosts whose leanings are quite apparent).

(I am NOT looking for --AND DO NOT WANT--any comments or opinions about the fact that he is g*y, so please do not comment on that issue. It has no relevance whatsoever to this question). I am STRICTLY interested ONLY in if you feel one way or the other about his liberal or conservative leanings.




  1. I think he's liberal in some areas and more conservative in others but he does a good job not injecting his personal opinions into the stories he does. I think one way you can tell about his political leanings is to take note of what kinds of stories he covers.

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