
Do you have a special needs child?

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I have to interview a parent of a child with special needs - this is for my college class (children with exceptionalities). If you feel like you could help me out, please e-mail me at




  1. I am a teacher assistant for a special education class room and have had prior experience and there are different types of qualities you have, for different disorders. Just make sure you know what disability the child has before you interview the parent.

  2. no srry

  3. I have an LD and I have three children with LD's you can contact me via my profile.

  4. yes, and speical needs comes in many forms-children are like snowflakes no two are the same-even when similarities are found-there is something that makes them working with a child with aspbergers and at times it really can be overwhelming.I knew something was not quite right by two.He did play thearpy for almost two years a very bitter angry little boy who did not care if he pushed that boy/girl down or how it made them feel.After 5 years living in chaos ive found some relief.I was able to find a psychiatrist who saw children under the age of twelve and he diagnosed him with high functioning aspergers syndrome.The good news for now that with ailify his 4 hour to four day cycles only last at most 40 mins and maybe once a week.Before it was several times a day-it was just awful

  5. I have a special needs Son age 13

    You can message me via Answers if you wish.


    Best of Luck

  6. I have a 14-year-old daughter who is on the high-functioning end of the autism scale (not Asperger's), and I also have 11-year-old twin daughters who are in a "gifted" program at school.  I would love to be interviewed, and am very open to answering any questions.  Contact me through my profile if you are interested.

    Hope this helps - thanks!

  7. I have a son with Aspberger's Autism

  8. I am special needs adult.  Being serious about it too. Not a sicko.

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