
Do you have a spirit guide???

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I know this has probably been asked before but I want to get some info as well.

How do you know it's your spirit guide?? And when or how do they contact you??

I had another question about the ghost in my house and an answerer responded that it may be my spirit guide. I just want to know for sure how I'll be able to tell. Thanks in advance cause I know it's a bit much.




  1. Some years ago, I encountered a strange urge to learn about astral projection that literally changed the direction of my life. In learning the basics, it was suggested that I use a game called "Mind Vacation"; the idea is to find a picture ( from anywhere but it works best with nature photos), examine it closely and memorize every detail. Put it aside, begin your normal prep for meditation ( a mantra or rhythmic breathing) and when you're comfortable, bring up the picture on your inner vision. The key is to imagine yourself blending in with the picture to the point of walking around and exploring.

    Why do I mention this? It was on my 3rd "vacation" to this place that I came around a bend in the river to find a small open space...and a seated woman in dark purple robes with a fishing rod in the water....and a black cat lounging beside her. At first I had no idea what to think...she proved to be the first guide that I was consciously aware of. One of the unusual aspects that you can believe or disbelieve...this guide had a fondness for beer and each time I visited, it was my job to conjure a silver ice bucket with brown bottles of beer inside. This may sound outrageous but it proved to be an essential stepping stone for my eventual entry into "otherworld" and interaction with several other guides.

    As for recognition, it is a crucial aspect. It is a slow process but with time and patience (yours and your guides) you will be able to sense them. What is critical for you, though, is understanding what your main gift is. When you request your guides to make their presence known with a clearly understood signal - which they will do - it needs to arrive in a way that you can "read" it. For instance, if one is clairvoyant, they may arrange that their guide flash an image or symbol in their conscious mind to let them know but it will do little good if the clairvoyant asks for say, a certain sensation on an arm, if they have only limited ability to feel it.

    So recognizing the guide that you're communicating with is a decision that both parties agree to. An effective method of meeting with one's guides is known as shamanic journeying and I've included a link below to expain it a bit.

    What may surprise you is that many of the conversations we hold with ourselves are actually influenced by our guides, directing our thoughts in a specific direction.

    My suggestion for initiating contact is to begin a dialogue, as if you're talking to the air. Be aware of sudden thoughts that come to mind and don't be shy to ask questions or for specific changes to occur. I never leave home  without requesting that my protector guide shield me from any negative entities or energies and she (yes, she) does an incredible job.

    Answers to requests that we make of them never arrive in a standard format, which makes our job of interpreting a sign quite challenging at times. Dreams can be a good source of passing information to us but they can do it through almost any thing or person.

    I didn't read your other question regarding the ghost in your home but it's very unlikely that this entity is one of your guides. It doesn't rule out that they may be trying to get some type of message to you though...

  2. yes i have a Sprite guide thou not human,mine comes when i meditate,and they will tell you that there to help you Thur what ever you you ever get a ringing in your ear must of the time its your guide trying to tell you some thing ,ask them to slow down so you can hear them.i hope this helps.( druid)

  3. No.

  4. I dont beleive everything Sylvia browne says, so no I do not have a spirit guide.

  5. What is a spirit guide?

  6. I see the idea of the spirit guide as being nothing more than a combination of your conscience and wisdom of past experiences.

  7. My spirit guide looks like McGruff the Crime Dog.  His name is Beef Supreme, and for some reason he is always trying to sell me prepaid phone cards.  Come on, who doesn't have a cell phone now days?

  8. Yes, I have a spirit guide. He's not human, and he told me he's been with me through several of my lifetimes. He's a bit obnoxious sometimes, but he's always been there to keep an eye on me, or let me know some important things. For a dragon, he's pretty neat.

    As for the ghost, I can only tell you that it might be your spirit guide, then again it might not. Good luck with it.

  9. Yes,

  10. First the Spirit or "ghost" in your house in NOT your spirit guide.  I didn't see your other question about this, but spirit guides do not act like "ghosts", they are 2 totally different things.

    To reveal your spirit Guide you will need to meditate in a quiet place.  While meditating, put yourself in a quiet place in your minds eye, a peaceful place.  Some place that makes you feel at total ease.

    Make sure that you do a cleansing in the room & make sure you will not be bothered for sometime.

  11. The closest  thing I ever had to a "spirit guide" was my imaginary friend "Tom" I had as a child. Most children have them:  it's a part of being a child (especially an only child who had few actual friends to play with).

    As for  actual "spirit guides", I think it's a similar case of wishful thinking and emotional projection.

  12. Jesus Christ is my spirit guide!

  13. what do you mean by it?

  14. Spirit guides...I have several....mostly just full blown angels.

    I know because they are consistent in all manners of communication.

    Through dreams...I connect with them and in the physical...usually taps on the ceiling, walls and on my body.

  15. Yes I do have a spirit guide, and her name is Erica. If you can communicate enough ask your guide what his or her name is. If your able to hear or see your guide, not many are able to, but usually they speak telepathically. I at first thought mine was a ghost, but as we communicated and she give me memories of other life times one her as my guide and one of her and me together, our first time together.

    When you sense it, in your house try to communicate. Usually spirit guides only seem to come when it's to do with your spirit. My guide started coming to me, and did so for four years, not that she has encourage me, helped me with my son, comfort me to where my spirit don't feel hurt. Her job is done, and she comes just to check in now and then.

    I would pray to God for help and protection, and she would come. I have seen her many times, she would wake me when my son was sick, she would hold my hand, rub my back, hug....always compassionate, gentle, and comforting.

    She comes usually when I am asleep, I have woke at times to see her, or when asleep my third eye would open to see her in the room, and we speak telepathy, or times she would speak out loud. I woke up and ask her her name, she whispered Erica. We all have more than one guide, and they come to us when we reach a new level of spiritual growth. I have seen others here at the same time, perhaps they are my guides as well or my sons guide, because he would see them too.

    Yes you can meditate as well....but for me it was prayer, or I would speak to her in my head before bed time, and she would come.

    Spirit guide don't always respond to our calls. Usually it's when we are in serious need. And trust me, they know when your spirit is hurt, they can feel what you feel, so they know if it's sincere. Prayers to God are the same, God feels what you feel, if it's compassion, heart felt prayers, hurt, and you can ask God to send your guide, I've done this, it works.

    You may not be able to see, or hear your guide unless you are a sensitive. So be sure to listen to them faint sounds telepathically. They'll be unheard if your not listening. In time you may be able to tune in better, hear, and see your guide.

  16. Yes i do.

  17. Yes, I have a spirit guide. I know it's mine, it has my name insode he cover. "whiskey tasting notes"

  18. You'll likely get some folklore as to how to find your "spirit guide", but keep in mind that it's only folklore. People seem to report that they discover their spirit guides in some mode of contemplation, but how do you discern between a spirit "message" and imagination, especially second hand? What's to stop a person from imagining something that they call their spirit guide and then instructing others all about how to discover their own guide?  Wouldn't this be completely bogus information?

    Yet, that's exactly what you'll get in answers to your question. Be critical of what you hear and ask yourself why you even believe in spirit guides in the first place. The idea of spirit guides has become very fashionable lately, the latest fad among mystics and the paranormally inclined. My answer is that there is no reason to think spirit guides even exist.

    So no, I don't have a spirit guide.

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