
Do you have a strangely named relative?

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While researching my family history, I found one fellow named Phinneas Durkee. I'm sure his name was quite normal at the time, but it just sounds rediculous now. Anyone have a bizarre name in their family's history?




  1. Yea my brother named his daughter Davan

  2. my grandad is named bones

  3. Gwelda Hortense

    Leader D'Havelyn

    Strange nicknames, when I was growing up, too sisters who attended my church were nicknamed,

    Chip and Crack!

  4. i have aunt effie faye

  5. On my father's side I have Ebenezer Larkin, named well before Dickens ruined the name.

    On my mother's side Wilhelmina Maasberg, which is not an odd name in the Netherlands, but sure does it for Americans.

  6. My grandpa's name was Vasile Zoltan.

  7. simeon. don't ask.

  8. How about Lubbertus Oostendorp OR  Wilbert Van Appledorn? (my side of the family) OR

    My husbands great grandmother was named Tennessee Walker (yes, like the horse)...  Another  relative was Christopher Greenleaf Titsworth Walker.

  9. my friend's grandpa is named Emmerie Begay

  10. Yoy is my uncle.

    Len-len is my cousin.

    And Lon-lon is my other uncle.

    Weird enough for ya?

  11. Thornsberry Bailey.

  12. Ozwitt.  It is my nephew's middle name.  There is a new cartoon called Phinneas and Ferb.

  13. Hehe, thanks for the chuckle... that is a funny name.

    And yes, my father-in-law's name is Apollonius. Pretty horrendous, i think.

  14. My poor great grandpa was named Purl. Not weird in and of itself until you hear it and realize it belongs to a man and not a woman.

  15. my dad's uncle  was Nenelle

  16. Green Clay and Missouri Phillips were ancestors, America Maud Brenner was my mom's aunt, Theodore Bear is my nephew.  Middle names in my immediate family include Dessie, Munroe, and Ely (pronounce E-lee).

  17. My momma had an aunt named Kasymira..meaning in spanish "can hardly see"!

  18. My friend's Great-great-great-great Grandfathers  surname was chin chin i think i beat all of your names.

  19. I have an aunt who's legal name Baby Fe.  Her mom is the original Fe.  I swear.  We call her Auntie Baby.

  20. Phinneas Durkee sounds like a character from Harry Potter, and I like it for that reason!

    My dad's middle name is "Petley" which apparently was his mother's father's first name.

    I always thought the name Petley sounded funny, and continuously made fun of my dad for it during my childhood lol.

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