
Do you have a strong self-protective psychic ability?

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I'm no psychic....except when it comes to my own safety. I've received some very definite warnings about things that I know came from outside myself.

I don't personally know of anyone else with this strong an ability in this particular area, so I wondered if there is anyone else out there like this?




  1. I don't believe in things like that, However, ever since I was young I can feel when I am about to walk into some kind of danger, mainly from people or animals though. I always get a feeling when it comes to animals or people, even if I think I am alone somewhere, when i turns out I am not.  Ooh, goosebumps, lol.

  2. Maybe so, I'm still around. Though I think my flight-or-fight response is more responsible for my protection.

  3. Yes, in some cases I'd say so.

    We have the erge to look after ourself.

    So yeah, your not alone.

    Some are just expressed more than others.

  4. I do too, I don't have to try, these things just happen to me. I do believe it perhaps has something to do with my spirit guide since I have seen spirits all my life on and off, and that I have survived  more times than cats have life's.

    I know when somethings bad is about to happen by the feel of my body, so I prepare for what I feel is about to happen, and it usually always pays off. I also have visions of what's about to happen, so I look out for that. I even had dreams come true. Once my left ear vibrated very fast, than the phone rang. It was my crazy ex girlfriend wanting to come back, I said no. She is crazy and dangerous to be with. It's clear that a spirit was appointed to protect me, actually we all have more than one. We all have a support team, they all have their jobs to do, we aren't ever alone.

    I have many abilities, but most of them is always to do with protection in some way.

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