
Do you have a talent?

by  |  earlier

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did you ever think you had some unique talents that are quite rare? or if they're not rare, atleast they're good talents? i have many of them. i have a natural talent of singing, dancing, painting, i'm a quick learner, etcetra, etcetra. how 'bout you?




  1. nope =[

  2. well you sound a bit cocky.  i can do any basic mathematical problem including quadratic formula and pretty much any string of basic arithmetic sequences in my head.  I also have perfect rhythm, as in i can listen to a clcok tick, walk away from the clock so i cant hear it, and keep counting so that even 3600 counts later, an hour will have passed (most people speed up or slow down.)  I also have not yet found an instrument that i had any real trouble learning how to play.  closest was bagpipes, but i got ahold of that after a few months

  3. flute, poetry

  4. I can make my farts talk !

  5. NO! DX

  6. music...

  7. Yeah i have talent but that`ll always be an opinion

  8. guitar player

  9. I play and teach classical and acoustic guitar, I've also been told that I'm a good chess player. When I was younger I also make all my kids school clothes. I can also do Rubik's cube in three minutes......and I've been told that I'm a great tell me that when I teach them something that I have a technique that helps them to remember !!!!! I hope that you don't think that I'm bragging, it's just what I've been told !!! I'm sure that a lot of people can do all these things, there's a lot of other talents that I'm known for but I feel like I'm bragging. Why don't you get an agent, you sound like you have a lot of show biz talent !!!!!!  bye !!!!
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