
Do you have a tattoo?

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Do you have a tattoo?

When did you first get it?

How many do you have now?

Do they have any meanings or do you just like that design of it?




  1. yes

    my first i was 22

    i have 8 atm

    they all have special meanings

    my first i got after my divorce its a heart with a dagger in it wrapped in a banner that says love hurts.  second is  Brian from family guy with my children's initials and mine around it.  third is a butterfly with two faces kissing an ex of mine gave me as a picture. fourth is calvin and hobbes my fav comic strip. fifth is a cross representing  I'm a christian.  sixth is the word Siempre which means always in spanish when my oldest was little hed ask if i loved him and i said always.  seventh is Cherish your life to remind me not to slit open my wrist and last is Banksys balloon girl I love this piece of graffiti

  2. yh a got a shadobe  

  3. welllll, i have 2, but you could say 3!!! I have this heart thing with wings on the nape of my neck (very very upper back), which i got when i was 20-it has a ton of meaning to me and i drew it myself, and is tattooed on me exactly how i drew it. the heart is like the roxy logo, but i changed it to look like a heart instead of the sides coming up and going straight across and then coming back down the other side-if you know what im talking about. My dad is a surfer and im a skater/snowboarder so its about the lifestyle to me-its really hard to explain, its one of those things like if you knew me youd just get it, i wouldnt have to explain it. When I turned 21, which was this past july, I got an outline of a star about 2.5-3'' on the back of each of my arms. The stars dont really have much meaning, just a starting point for the rest of what im going to do to my arms-which will one day be covered.

    so yeah, thats what i have, the first one is kind of explained a little confusing, but i love it!! and i can't wait to get more. im getting a huge poppy flower on my rib cage and then im getting the leonard zakim bridge (suspension bridge in boston) on my upper front arm, in black and white and very detailed and thats what i have planned next as soon as i can afford to do it!!! I can't wait to get more ink!!!

  4. I have three tattoos, one small star on my foot, a big one on my lower back and one on my hip.

    I got my first when I was 16.

    They  have personal meanings but I don't think I'll get anymore. My tattoos are concealed so that makes me happy haha.

  5. I have one tattoo. I got it last March. It has a really important, but personal meaning for me.  

  6. no but im getting one behind my ear just 3 stars look at rihannas tatoos there soo cute and appropriate not hooker tatoos or tramp stamps their tiny and cute and easy to hind for work or formal gatherings

  7. I know its kinda sad but i've been wanting a tat since i was 5 years old and now i'm 21 and still don't have one. But if i do get one i think i'm gonna get a picture of Miley Cyrus face on my azz, that way she can really kiss my azz.

  8. I got all my tattoo's when I hit 18. All 10 of them.

    I have a yin yang (which represent balance) on my chest with 4 optional chinese symbols of the four elements going around it.

    I have a lion on my upper right arm and a sun on top of it (im a leo and our planet is the sun)

    I also have my zodiac sign on my upper left arm. Then two chinese sayings going down my neck that says "peace" and "harmony"

    I don't regret not one! Im also thinking of getting my name in chinese symbols too.

  9. I have one.

    I got it last fall/thanksgiving.

    It doesn't rly have much of a meaning to it, but its something that I love and that i've wanted since the 7th grade.

    I'm getting a new one in two weeks. tell me what you think of it. i'd love to hear ur opinion even if u hate it.;...

  10. 1-A few :)

    2-19 when i got my first

    3-I have a full sleeve,working on 2 lower leg sleeves,got a chest piece I'm working on,got on my thighsand my back....And many to go lol

    4-Yes and Yes for all of them :)

  11. I got my first one at 19. It's a music note on my shoulder, which I plan on adding to next week (I'm 21 now). It was a memorial to my father, who passed away almost ten years ago. I'm probably going to be incorporating wings into it somehow.

    I got my next two this year. I got paw prints up my spine, because I'm an animal rights activist and have two cats. And I got "power to change" around my ankle, which is a lyric from a song called I Stand by Idina Menzel.

    I'm getting 'no day but today' from the musical RENT on my wrist on Sunday. Both of those lyrics have gotten me through really tough points in my life.

    I have three now - four by the end of the week - and will probably get more in the future. They're extremely addictive.

  12. No, but I'd like to get a small one some day - maybe a ladybug.

  13. a sharpie one :D

    on the side of my wrist.

    a small yellow star outlined in black.

    lame i know. i was really bored.

  14. ya i got one of my last name on forearm are. i got it in jail s couple months ago(im 18) .and its my only one i have.

  15. i have a butterfly on my ankle, i got it when i was 18yo. i like butterflies so i just picked a flash, changed it up and got it done

    one on the back of my shoulder, for my mom, we have matching tattoos, got that at 20yo

    3 butterflies on the top of my other shoulder, for my past present and future

    a seahorse on my thigh, bcse my dad likes seahorses and to always have him near me

    and a vine on my foot- just something i drew up and wanted- i plan to add small butterflies when i marry and when we have kids.

    so that makes 5 or 8 depending on how you count

    i also want to add about 6 more colored butterflies to my right shoulder and 6-10 black and shaded butterflies to my left shoulder going down my back

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