
Do you have a video camera in your house to watch for ghosts?

by  |  earlier

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If so...have you seen any activity yet?




  1. Naw.

    But here is a link to a leprechaun cam, that you can use to watch for leprechauns.

    I have not seen one yet, but am going to keep watching.

    Plus, there is no way to film a ghost.   Have more than a very strong feeling that there is no such thing.

    Ha, read someone said they filmed many ghosts, but they don't show up on film.   Think about that carefully.  It speaks volumes.   Now, anything that you see, can show up on film, since the eye is also a camera. Although I will admit, that it is hard to get mist, fog, etc. to show up sometimes, unless you use long exposures.  But if it does not show up on film, then guess what?  That's right it is in your head!  But even if something shows up on film, that does not prove it is a ghost!  Again, with millions upon millions of people in the world, and we do not have one shred of  evidence that ghosts exist.

    Just trust me when I tell you, that I have never seen anything that people call "ghosts" that do not have alternative and most often very simple explanations.

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.  And sorry, the evidence is just not there.

  2. r u a geek??

    its never gonna work u need red light

  3. Well Deenie, being as there is actually no such thing as ghosts or the like that would not only be a waste of time but a waste of money also.

    EDIT: good thing you didn't then hay! *winks*

    Your posts always make me smile - you are the best thank you.

  4. this question is interesting...... But honestly... Who has a video camera on at all times, to catch ghosts?

  5. deenie how goes it,

    i have filmed many ghosts, however when i watch the footage they never show on film!

  6. Breaking your rules here Deenie, sorry!

    I've mentioned before about my folks house having some unusual things going on from time to time. I've left long ago, however, I did want to leave my MP3 player on record all one night. Only when they are on holiday. The boss of the house (mum) said absolutely not! She thinks that it's bad enough thinking you can hear things without 'knowing' you can. I can accept that, I won't even sleep there anymore! Everywhere else I've lived is normal.

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