
Do you have a yahoo! 360 account?

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Do you have a yahoo! 360 account?




  1. Yes

  2. Yes! Check it out!

  3. no

  4. Yes, plenty of people, including myself ( ). Click on avatars in Yahoo! Answers and there may be a link to the person's 360 space in their Y/A profile.

    At the top of your 360 space is a "Search" link. You can find blogs that skew toward what you're looking for there. You can search for people via nickname, keywords, and location. You can search by real name and e-mail addresses only if the person has enabled that option. That page and also your "Home" page lists "Interesting Pages" as well.

    If you don't have a 360 space, see .

    FYI: Y!360 is transitioning into a different social networking platform in early 2008. There has not been a more specific date announced on the blog yet, so it could happen any time between January and end of March 2008. Yahoo is trying to centralize its profiling services - Y!Mash, Y!360, and the regular Members profile - into one. See for more details. However, they are no longer fixing bugs related to Y!360, so there's no point in trying to contact them about it.

  5. nope.

  6. yup, do u?


    This is the way to start a Yahoo 360.

    And l do have a 360 and l love it. l met a lot of friends and love to read their blogs and see their photos. You can say, that l am a Yahoo 360 nut.    lol

  8. yes, y do u ask?

  9. YES I DO!

  10. yeah, but all thats on it is a

    myspace is better

  11. Yes actually I have 3 of them. 3 mash pages to go along with that and a Myspace. I tried Multiply but it sucked so I deleted that account.

  12. yes. you should check it out...

  13. I just started working on mine. Do you ?

    I Like your Avatar.

  14. yea just go on my profile n click my yahoo 360

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