
Do you have alot of dreams?

by  |  earlier

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I had talked to someone who said they never dream. I dream everynight and when i dont i feel like i didnt sleep well at all. I was just curious what people do most dream or not dream?




  1. Everyone dreams, most every night. It just depends on if you remember them or not....and if you remember them or not depends on what part of the sleep cycle you were in when you had them.

  2. yes every night

  3. this person dreams.. they can not remember

  4. I don't dream very often.  I used to have lucid dreams every saturday because I got to finish my sleep cycle instead of being woken up in the middle of one to go to school.  Now I go through times when I'll have a couple dreams a week or none for a while.  My dreams have turned very strange and reflect my desires and life like an alternate reality.  I often wake up and look around very confused after this type of dream.  I have to sit there and figure out whether my dream was real or not at first.

  5. I dream everynight

    Usually after about 2-3 hours of sleeping, and right before i wake up..

    Most of my dreams, I like.

    And almost all are intriguing.



  6. no if i have a dream its a bad dream but technicly we all have dreams every nite we just dont remember them

  7. i dream every night

  8. i dream almost everynight about weird s***. I dont know why but i dont let it get to me.Some are kinda funny when I think about them

  9. When I was younger, I never remembered my dreams.  Now I have vivid dreams about 3 nights a week that I can remember in detail.

    Everyone dreams every night, by the way.  So if they say they never dream, they just don't remember the dreams.  If you don't dream, you're dead.

  10. All ppl dream if they dont dream they have no life =D

  11. YES!!! Once i had a dream that Indians were attacking me!

  12. It is funny and weird how people dream, Dreams have been attempted to be decoded. Sigmund Freud had a really cool explanation about dreams. Like how they are a bunch of memories from your whole life and some of your imagination blended toghether.

    Try waking up about an hour or two before the time you wake up normally, but you have to wake up completely. It helps if you have someone wake you up. He said you always dream, the thing is you don't remember. if you do this but always vary it you can remember a little better. Your body has somewhat of an internal clock and the time you rest the most is when you are dreaming, hence the feeling people get when hipnotized. People don't dream for a long time though they are very short dreams, your imagination just exaggerates and makes you think it was longer.

  13. Everyone dreams. Problem is, we don't always remember.

  14. Yea every night an it really helps to remember them if you keep a dream journal.

    Believe it or not my dog has tons of dreams too lol I know cuz he has his little naps and I have to wake him up from his doggy night mares.

  15. i dream every night. i dont know why but i dream about how my future will be like for example im going into 6th grade right? well when i get into 6th grade i will fall in love with this boy and he will be my future husband and it's just weird to me but yeah i do dream.

  16. yes almost everynight speaking of dreams please answer my question

  17. Most every night - 99% of them are very bizzare

  18. Everyone does dream despite what they say.  It's just that people don't remember their dreams.  We have at least 250 dreams a night.  That is a fact by the way, I'm not making it up.  So your question is really do most people remember their dreams and not many people can.

  19. i dream almost every night

  20. i dream almost every night unless i eat something befor bed

  21. I dream every night, and they are always really weird fantastical but highly realistic dreams. Sometimes I think that they are real until I am fully awake. Lol.

    When I don't dream it's usually because I was extremely exhausted when I fell asleep.


  23. Actually it is a proven fact that everyone dreams every time that they sleep, it all depends on the persons brain to if you can actually remember them or not.

  24. I dream intensely every night, sometimes my dreams are prophetic... for example, I dreamed you were going to ask this question... spoooooooky

  25. I dream a lot. The only thing is is that I dream the "in the moment dreams" Meaning I know that I dreamed but I don't remember anything about it. Lately I've been having more nightmares then dreams. Oh...if your friend does anything abnormal in her sleep (examples: snoring, talking, or walking) that usually means that she's having a dream. Especially if you talk that can say a lot about what the persons dreaming.

  26. In truth, everybody dreams! Some people just are unable to remember what they dreamt of. You are lucky (sometimes) to be able to! Enjoy!!

  27. usually 3-4 times a night that I remember

  28. I dream all the time. Have deja vu's of the dreams I didn't remember upon waking sometimes, too.

  29. they are lieing every one dreams they probably dont remember them

  30. Yup. I remember most of them and sometimes it happens in reality. It's really weird.

  31. i almost dream every night.

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