
Do you have an autistic child?

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I'm starting to get concerned. my 2 year old doesn't talk but she can hear(she says a few words i.e hi bye see ya okay. she doesn't respond when you talk to her. she doesn't play with toys but she has great skills with putting things together and she has great hand eye cordination. she just recently started giving kisses though. she doesn't play with other children. does this sound like autism to you?




  1. There are so many levels of autism and each child with autism acts differently.  Some children with autism are very affectionate, while others aren't.  If you are concerened, that she might have autism, I'd suggest for you to get her tested.  If she does have it, and you have the means to do so, you can get her into early treatment.  Early Intervention is the most helpful for children with autism.

  2. I have an Autistic sister, if you are concerned go to a specialist please, don't wait. =]

    Although it does sound like Autism to me. There are different levels of the condition some can be really bad like my next door neighbor and some can be mild like my sister, but def. get that checked out. There are some medicines to help, but none to cure.

  3. i have daughter with autism it covers big spectrum.....if they did test on einstein now, he would be classed as one,maybe he was.but what why would you want him treated...i  think you may have noticed something before now but if worried go dr....i you sure you want put her thru gamet of test now....try enjoy this little one cos she different don't mean she abnormal....have you had her ears tested

  4. You are her mom...if you have a gut feeling something's wrong, get her evaluated.  Don't worry about what others think.  My son was diagnosed with autism at 2.  My hubby thought I was crazy, but in my gut I knew soemthing was wrong.

    As others have said, there are so many differeing levels and characteristics of autism, which is why it is called a spectrum disorder.  My son had about 10 words, and then lost them altogether, and didn't speak for almost 3 years.  He also gave kisses, but couldn't stand to be hugged of touched.

    The most important thing is to get her checked out.  The sooner you do, the sooner she can get help, which is the most important thing.  After 4 years of therapy, my son still has autism...but he has made so much progress that many people don't know it when they first meet him.

    Good luck!

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