
Do you have an equine "most embarrassing moment"?

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I'll go first. This was a few years ago, but the humiliation is still there...

I was at a team penning with a mare that I though had a good chance of making a name for herself at this particular summer show series. We where so focused on our cows and the crowd was unusually enthusiastic.

I was pleased with how my mare was working and kind of surprised at the roar of the crowd...

that is....until I noticed a breeze and realized my shirt was unbuttoned to the waist....aaaahhhh!

How 'bout you?




  1. Well for me. Hmmmmmmm gotta think. Most embarrassing........Hmmmmm Well it would have to back in my, bronc riding days. I was trying my hand at bareback riding. I had practiced and practiced and was ready. I even go new clothes for the occation. I got my self a new riding shirt, new baggier pants so that I could realy lay back and realy spur the h**l out of that bronc I drew. Well I have a condition(many women have it too) I have a big but and thick legs, so the pants I baught where 3 sizes too big in the waist to give room for my legs, that way I would not split my pants in the crotch. Good idea, right, wrong. First I had to cinch down my belt as tight as I could to keep these dennim parachutes on. Well I s***w my self on this ol' curly wolf, jam my feet down, and ''Lets ROCK!'' I dip my hat. Well that nasty bronc comes out and hits the sky. My head hits the flank strap, my spurs dig into his shoulders and I'm raking that some buck from nose to tail. Well I make 8, and I feel like I made a good showing for my first time out. The pic up man rushes to my side and I latch on to him and slide off the horse. But. My pants didn't. Yeah! My belt broke and when I landed on the ground my pant where at my ankles in the middle of the arena. Naturaly with my pants there I don't make a perfect landing and ended on my face with my butt in the air. I had to get up and waddle back to the chutes holding my pants in one hand and my pride in the other. Cuz later I found out that I didn't mark the bronc out. Watching the video later(yes it is recorded) that horse bearly bucked. That is the most embarrassing I can think of right now. I would have to call my folks to have them to drag up repressed memories.


  2. lol. about two years ago i was done riding my 3 yo warmblood who still needs to learn that people arent there just to scratch your head on and so he started doing that with his fullcheek bit in his mouth and caught on my riding pants and ripped them the entire way up. unfotunetly someone told me to try riding without underwear on because of the lines and of course that day i had to try it. no one has stopped laughing since

  3. Wow, there are some pretty bad ones here! Mine is probably not all that bad considering, although it was embarrassing at the time...

    I was the newbie in the western drill team at my barn, along with the horse I leased. He was a fairly young horse, and also in drill team for the first time. Perhaps not the best match, but things were going quite well in the practices. We were both improving, and my horse was relaxing and no longer trying to "tail gate" the other horses. Of course, things couldn't continue so well forever.

    Come the day of the performance, Max decided he was going to make as wide a berth around the crowd at the end of the arena as possible. That meant he was crowding my partner's horse's "personal bubble". With just a minute left, Max suddenly flew sideways, and I ended up hanging off of him before landing on my rear in the middle of the arena with everyone staring. ( I found out later that my partner's horse had aimed a kick at Max ) We were able to finish the performance with no further incidents, but I was very embarrassed with everyone staring at me. XD

  4. Ooohh I have a good one!!

    I was giving a lesson to one of my newer boarders and as we were walking out to the ring (she was already on horseback), i turned to say something to my daughter. The horse somehow stepped on my pants with his back foot, then spooked himself.. One of the nails in his shoe got caught on my pant leg and as he rushed forward, my pants ripped ALL the way to my butt and i flopped into a BIG pile of mushy mud and horse p**p!! FUN!! I was soooo embarrassed, and my daughter bursting out laughing at me didn't make me feel any better!! LOL , I laughed it off though and limped back to the house to change my pants and give the lesson.

  5. I had a similar experience when I was in my 20s.  While riding my mare in from pasture on a halter and lead, something got into her and she took off for the barn at a full unstoppable gallop.  I realized right off that I'd just have to ride it out...back at the outdoor arena was a full gallery of spectators watching as I thundered toward them.  I managed to turn my mare before she hit the fence, and everyone cheered...I courtsied around, turning in circles and basking in the glory when I noticed one of the boarders pointing at my lower abdomen and giving me wide-eyed gestures.  I looked down to see that my jeans had split open...zipper and all...and it continued from waistband to waistband...the whole seam was gone and everything from my waist in front to my waist in the back was there for the world to see!  What I'd worn underneath was not up to the task of sparing my modesty.  People still have to bring it up now and then, always with the "I'll Never forget the time...and...I can see that as clear today as if it was yesterday..HAHAHAHA."

  6. I was in the barn with my gelding, Optimus Prime, when a guy I didn't know walked in. I was using some detangler in his tail, and the guy (who was really attractive) walks up to me and says "Hey, do you know where Joe is?" and I say "Yeah, he's in Arena D." and the guy says "Great, I'm William  by the way." So I say, "Hey, I'm Lauren."

    All of a sudden, Optimus Prime decides to let out the BIGGEST f**t I'VE EVER HEARD AND IT WAS SOOOO SMELLY! I was so embarassed. Wiliam goes "Wow, that smells really bad," and I say "Yeah, I know! OP!". William says: "Well, I guess he's made it clear that he's the only man in your life, Maybe I'll see you later," and he walks off.

    I never saw that beautiful boy again. I can't stay mad at Op though, he melts me.

  7. i was 12 and i was showing in childrens pony hunters.  my pony was petrified of well, everything.. and it has rained all day before my division... i went in the ring for my over fences class and she saw the judges bright yellow rain jacked on the back of her chair flapping in the wind and the HUGE beach umbrella swaying around.. as i go down the outside line i let my guard down and she stopped dead in front of the second jump i went flying over her head and landed butt first in a HUGE mud puddle.. my butt print was there for the rest of the day.  oh it gets better.. as i was walking out of the ring i was laughing so hard and my spurs got caught together and i tripped and fell face first in yet another puddle...  lets just say it was a hefty dry cleaning bill. haha

    oh the good old days.....

  8. I think I've shared this one before, but it is still ranked #1...

    When I was 16, I had just bought my first horse with babysitting money.  I was so proud and in love with the mare, and I had just started dating a new guy, so I brought him to the barn to meet her.   I tacked her up and rode around the arena for a little while to make sure she was in a "quiet" mood, and when I was satisfied that she was, I lengthened the stirrups and gave my new boyfriend my helmet so I could lead him around on her.  

    That went OK, and then I decided to get on her myself and do a little trot and canter work (to show off my totally awesome riding skills, of course).  Sadly, I neglected to shorten the stirrups again, and instead left them at the length my (tall) boyfriend had used.  Well, my mare got a wee bit excited when I asked her to move faster, and she took off...and, having no stirrups and feeling a lot more tense and nervous than I normally did (I was, after all, being watched by a new boyfriend) I tumbled off and rolled right to my boyfriend's feet.  (I think I must have said something like, "Oh, falls happen to experienced riders ALL the time", lol.)

    When we left the barn, we went right to a restaurant to get some lunch.  As we were sitting there talking and eating , I reached up to itch my ear and discovered that it was full of dirt.  That was a very embarassing date.  :)

  9. Well I was showing all my freinds how to brush ma horse after going swimming. We were still in our bathing suits. So my horse move back and i said stay still. bad horse. he kicked meinto the water. when i came out i was top less.

  10. Do you mean like when I was teaching my daughter to jump and I slipped and fell in the mud and pony and daughter sailed straight over me ?

  11. On a trail ride many years ago with several other riders. We stopped in a deep stream up to our stirrups. Without warning my horse rolled in the water. Another rider just so happened to have her camera out taking pics and shot a couple of me.

  12. My cousin was riding her horse and she galloped away and did a sudden stop at a fence and she fell off into some mud , when they horse was walking away she walked on my cousins "butt" and then she had a bruise the shape of a horse shoe

  13. So when I was 13 I did my very first official show with our POA pony who also had never been shown. Our first class was showmanship & I was extremely nervous for it was my first show & the judges are pretty intimidating. But as I walked in I forgot how nervous I was & concentrated on my pony & the pattern. We were doing really (considering it was both our first show) as I set up in front of the judge. I set him up & looked at the judge & she started inspecting. Half way through my horses legs buckled & I was worried something was wrong with his legs then I realized he was gettin ready to roll RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE JUDGE. The judge smiled at me & I quickly got him on his feet again but the damage was done, my white speckled pony was now a dark brown. she finished inspecting us then told me she has never witnessed a horse roll during a show & she would never forget us. I was so embarrassed that I forgot the rest of the pattern & just walked in line with every one else.

    Now I laugh at it but then it was very tramatic

  14. I have posted this before, but I think it qualifies...

    Here is a horse story that I will share:

    This was a time that I remember so it was yesterday. ...

    I was in the barn setting up the feed cart. We were just starting to use a new sweet feed that I was dumping from the bag into the bin in the cart.

    I couldn't help but notice that it smelled sooo good!

    Out of curiosity, I picked out a couple of pellets to examine in my hand.

    I looked closely.

    Its only ground up grain with molasses right?

    Couldn't hurt to try it. The horses eat it....

    So I popped them in my mouth....chew....chew...chewww..

    Hummm ... ok ...grainy....gritty .....but kinda sweet.

    With my curiosity settled, I proceeded down the isle to the hay storage area to pick up a bale to begin dishing out dinner.

    I heard someone walk in the barn behind me, so I turned to see who it was and say hi.

    It was Dean, one of the boarders ... and the cutest guy ever!!!

    We all had a huge crush on him.

    Dean could ride, looked good in jeans, had a great smile and was just an all around nice guy with a really nice horse.

    We all wanted to go out with him....So anyway, I flash Dean my biggest, brightest smile and say HI!

    Dean looks at me, opens his mouth to say something, but doesn't and just keeps walking.

    He never even broke stride, but turned at the waist still looking... never said a word.

    Which was not like him, because he was usually so friendly.

    I fed the horses and pretty much forgot about it.

    Afterwards, I went into the bathroom to wash up before leaving. A quick look in the mirror clinched it.

    My teeth were covered with little pieces of feed pellets held in place with sticky black molasses.

  15. i was leasing my first horse and i hadn't been riding for about two years. the first time i was tacking up i had this older lady who had about four of her own horses so i thought she would be a good person to help me. there was a group of people sitting at a table in the barn and they were all laughing at something. i walked my horse out to get on and then i realized that i didn't have a girth on the horse. and then they all really started to laugh when i came back into the barn to get the girth . they teased me about that for

  16. I was at a barrel race when i was 19, and i was riding a friends barrel gelding. He got antsy, considering this was his first real barrel race, bucked me off, and it was rainy so i went over his head, and did a slip and slide all the way down to first barrel.

    I had JUST got custom swarvaski spur straps too!

  17. I haven't ever had any thing embarrassing happen to me yet. but my sister did. I live on a Christmas tree farm and my sister was out riding her horse in a pen and A worker was driving a team of horse with customers in the back. My Sisters horse freak out and bucked her off in front of everyone. People laughed and she was very embarrassed.

  18. Okay. Me and my friends were brushing up our horses and putting them in their pastures after a nice relaxing trail ride. When I brang my horse into his pasture, another horse came and visited me and so I was petting it. I guess I was too busy petting my other horse that I forgot to take the lead rope off of the other one that I was walking to the pasture. Then the vet came and I noticed that the lead rope was still on him. So I ran over and brang him in like I was bringing him in...she just kinda looked at me and I was sooo embarassed!!!!!!!

  19. I had been ill for some time and lost a lot of weight when I got on a quiet horse for a quiet ride.  All went well, but I tired easily, so when I went to jump off, my belt (holding up my too loose pants) got looped over the saddle horn.

    So there I am, hanging by my belt, getting the biggest wedgy of my entire life, and I can't get loose.  I can't get a foot in the stirrup to get up, they're too high, and my feet are hanging a foot off the ground.  I'm tilting sideways, screaming/laughing/praying, and scared the horse'll freak and I'll die.

    My friend, laughing her fool head off, came and helped me, but my embarrassment was not yet complete.  I wasn't wearing a bra, and in order to get me loose she had to uncinch the saddle...  and of course the dang thing was securely tied on and the knot was right between my...  yeah, there.

    When she finally got it loose, she, the saddle, and I all fell in a heap beside the poor perplexed horse.  Between my absolute exhaustion and her gales of laughter, we could hardly untantle ourselves.  Horse wandered off...  thank heavens no one else arrived, as I was pretty...  let's just call it disarrayed!

  20. Mm, I've had many.

    I ride a quarter horse gelding in H/J, and he's a complete pain, what can I say, so he had a bucking problem, I was going to an outside line, which is when he started bucking, he got over hte first jump fine, second jump, not so much, I ended up getting bucked off over the fence and landing next to a large pile o' poo. Now, I didn't get it in, but seriously, i was like an inch from it. blah.

    I was getting ready for my riding lesson, had my horse all tacked up, I thought I lost my helmet, I seriously spent half an hour looking for it, and it was on my head! So I go into the ring, I tell my trainer that I can't ride, because my helmet is gone, granted, she burst out laughing, because it is on my head, I turn red and want to crawl into a hole.

    good times.

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