
Do you have an older brother that barely talks to you but you wish he would?

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Sometimes i feel bad cause my brother who's 16 can talk to his girlfriend for hours on the phone but says like 10 words to me everyday. And when i talk to him he'll respond with 1 word answers most of the time. Im 14. And its kinda sad knowing that hes known her for like 3 months and hes talked to her more than hes ever talked to me in his life. Rarely, when hes in a good mood h**l have a conversation with me. But, is there something wrong with me? Or does he just barely talk to me cause i'm his sister and i've lived with him his whole life so i'm kinda boring? I could never talk to him about this situation,cause hat would be way awkward. And way too personal for us.How can i change this though?




  1. Don't blame yourself, your brother is at the age where he's more interested in any female who isn't related to him then anything else.

  2. Well, m and you are much alike!

    I'm fourteen and my brother is seventeen and he used to be the same way!

    There's nothing wrong with you, I can assure you of that! Your brother probably talks more to his girlfriend because, if they've only been going out for three months, then she's probably still a novelty and they are probably still trying to get to know each other!

    Your brother proably just doesn't really think he needs to talk to you because your his sister and your around all the time.

    The number one thing to do is just to strike up a conversation about something he'd be interested in.

    Typical boy stuff!

    It worked for me!

    Good luck~

  3. i say ur lucky cuz i always wanted an older brother..

    but anyway im pretty sure its not that he doesnt like u

    hes proably just a teenage guy...bein a teenage guy

    but my advice 2 u is to just talk 2 him anyway

    if hes not going 2 talk 2 u then u might as well make him listen

    not 2 the point where it gets really annoying tho..

    lol hope that helps

  4. My brother doesn't talk to me as much, but is more open with my parents. So maybe it's just a sibling thing. And I'm the same, I don't look at my bother as someone to "talk to" he's just kinda there. lol So, don't take it personal. It depends on the person's personality. If it bothers you this much, then just casually say "hey, I notice you don't really talk to me that much when I try to have a conversation with you, I'm just curious as to why"? He may just ignore you or give you an answere you'd least expect, but how would you know if you don't just put it out there and ask? Good luck!

  5. That is how brother's are sometimes. Both of you will grow into adulthood and grow out of it.

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