
Do you have an unnecessary friendship??

by  |  earlier

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Do you, or did you, have a friendship that didn't really seem like a friendship, but you stayed friends because of their social status at school or because without that person you wouldn't have a place to sit and eat during lunch?

I don't, at least i don't think i do. haha, i'm just wondering if anyone has, or had, one.

Thanks for your answers!




  1. yes. i have that right now. my bff. im only friends with him because of him social life, he hangs around people that i want to hang with

  2. well,last year I was the new girl so I just sat down and people ya know sat around me without intending to be my then I got new people that I sort of said they were friends or whatever and only talked to them cuz I didnt want to be lonely.I'm so lonely....I have no friends.....its so sad cuz I dont know how to make friends with evil people(everyone)....

  3. i was friends with this really mean but rich girl because i got to go to expensive places and fancy parties... now that i look back on it i was her only friend and i just used her.. i regret it but i cant change the past i guess.

  4. I had one that I felt cool because she hung out with me, but I never used it to my advantage. And down the road I realized it was not that cool.


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