
Do you have anxiety?

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If you do, What are your symptoms? And why do you think you have it?




  1. I've had anxiety for two years. I know it because I went to the doctor due to having panic attacks nonstop.

    When I get anxious I feel like there is a knot in my throat, or like someone is choking me. Get a little dizzy with a sick feeling starts to hit my stomach, but it's not like you're going to throw up, just an icky feeling. I get this fluttering feeling in my chest and I feel like I can't breathe. Also it sometimes feels like everything is moving too fast, or I can't focus on things because I keep looking at other things before I can. Often times I get really shaky, I feel the need to tap my foot or my hands on something. That's it in basic terms I guess.

    Thankfully those anxious moments and panic attacks don't happen as often as they did. You can overcome anxiety, it just takes time and it all depends on the person for how much time passes by.

  2. Of course, I call it 'opportunity expiration'. Do I have security issues? Ya, I got my cell phone and cigarettes stolen.

  3. yeah, i do. and because my psychiatrist told me so.

  4. Yes, I'm an extremely anxious person. I used to get really bad panic attacks. At one point, I couldn't even leave my apartment. It got really bad.

    I still get them when things get really stressful for me. I think it's basically a reaction to not dealing with what's bothering me. I let it go and then it accumulates and well, there's only so much undealt with stress that a person can take. It has to go somewhere I guess.

    When I do get anxiety attacks, I get dizzy and restlest and I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack. I also get obsessive thoughts...usually of things that might happen and I just feel like I have no control over anything. It's really a frightening experience. I'm not always clear on why I'm having anxiety attacks, but I've learned to just stop and actually reason with myself. I guess I've had them so often now that I know what to expect and I can tell myself that it's just temporary and that nothing bad is really happening and that it'll pass. And it usually does. I've learned to deal with things as they happen instead of withdrawing and bottling it all up.

  5. Yeah I have anxiety, and I think I have it beacuse it runs in my family :|

    Heres a good page that talks about the causes and symptoms ect.

  6. i dont really have a lot of anxiety, just some issues with trusting people.

    answer mine!

  7. I had anxiety so bad once that I could not leave my house for a month. I was so stressed, couldn't sleep or eat, would break out in a cold sweat every time I thought about my life. That's when I discovered the joy of booze. :)

  8. Yup, I have severe anxsiety.

    I get nervous about everything- Making me sick to my stomach, I pull out my eyelashes, I cry, I'm unsure about everything, I hate to do things by myself,

    and I've been diagnosed with anxsiety and depression.

  9. okay, it sounds weird.. but i get anxiety when im in the store Wal-Mart.. i dont even know why really.. i get really nervous, anxious, i start to like figit with my hands and like..feel really awkward. So what i go is text if im in there! but thank goodness i dont go in there often

    I also get anxiety when i think about my weight, i start breathing heavily, and figit with my hands too.. sometimes i break down! i know why it happens though, its just cause of ED.

  10. I think I have anxiety, am not diagnosed with it or anything. It just comes out of nowhere and just break down and cry especially when I think of my parents, my life now and the life I've lived, but am working on it people, I am.

    BTW, Kristi you need to see a doctor and Day D you're funny, stop drinking.  

  11. Maybe a little...twitching......nervous anticipation now you know ....

  12. One does not "have" or "get" or "catch" anxiety. It is a choice one makes based on thoughts about things/events/experiences in life.

    Over a century ago, Dr. alfred Adler made the distinction for the medical community and psychiatry in particular between "psychology of possession" (in which one "has" an illness) and "psychology of use" (in which one chooses a particular problem for its utility).

    Thus I choose to feel/be/appear "depressed" for my own reasons and what it will get me from other people. Perhaps I will get to not have to work so hard, or I will receive pity, or people won't expect much of me.

    All human behavior is, in the last analysis, oriented toward the future and not "caused" by the past. We adopt certain behaviors in order to get something: a goal (usually involving other people), a result, some kind of pay-off. So an Adlerian, when a client describes his or her problem, will often ask: "And what are you geting out of that?"

    Also, all human behavior is social in nature, so the choice of a particular emotional problem (anxiety, depressiong, etc.() is a social event.

    And also, everything (including one's chocie of a problem) IS a problem, and all problems are social problems.

    So when you ask "Why do you think you have it?" the Adlerian psychologist (of which I am one) will ask not about past causes but about future wants or wishes and how they are connected to the people who are involved: partner, children, parents, boss, co-workers, etc.

    To choose and show anxiety is a social event. It says, "I am uncomfortable and nervous and stressed when I think about something (my life, speaking in public, having to perform capably, etc.)...and that discomfort, nervousness, and stress IS INTENDED BY ME TO GET ME SOMETHING FROM YOU.

    Personally, I am rarely anxious because I do not permit myself to think the thoughts on which anxiety is based, and I'd rather not use such sensations to manipulate other people into doing what I want them to do.

    --  Dr. Bob, Adlerian Psychologist
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