
Do you have any Fall traditions?

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What is there origin?




  1. I have seasonal table clothes that I change out on our formal dining table.  I have two for the fall, one with autumn colors and the other for Thanksgiving.  I also buy mums at the greenhouse and put them on the front porch.  I guess I'm the originator of those traditions because I've been doing them so long.

  2. We have a family tradition in the fall each year. A family reunion of sorts. A chance to share the years experiences and good food and all the grand kids and great grand kids are there. Playing games and eating and taking lots of pictures. The snowbirds leave earlier now to their winter homes and so it is in early September now. Was more fun around Halloween. Thank you for some great memories.

  3. My main Fall tradition is that I try not to.  I broke my left shoulder that way a few years ago.

    Now, to be honest, my wedding anniversary was on November 27th.  Each Thanksgiving was special in many ways.  Now that my husband is not alive, these holidays are spent at my oldest son's house with all the grandchildren there to remind me of all the good times we had and those still to come.

  4. I love fall. I like the colors and the harvest. Tradition Wise, I always put out decoration.

  5. I don't really think it has to do with it origin, but every year I take my family to the apple orchard to pick apples, pumpkins and to get cider and donuts. It's been a family tradition for 12 years now and I hope one day to be able to continue doing it with my grand kids.

  6. Our street is lined with fruitless Mulberry trees.  In the fall they turn orange and fall to the ground and in bushes.  We like to NOT rake until they turn brown.  I do like to take pictures of the trees against the sunset and make leaf angles.  In the fall I also go shopping for things with sleeves in avacado green, burnt orange, and sunburst gold.

  7. This is my favorite time of year with a cool brisk breeze and the warm colors. I put out my scarecrow family,my witches, my Halloween costume teddy bears, my little ceramic pilgrim family and my ceramic turkey and pumkins all over everywhere. I just love it. It's a tradition that I hope my 5 year old granddaughter will continue on in her life with her future family.

  8. Taking the grandkids to Dutch Wonderland for the Halloween Weekends and the Christmas Weekends.

    Started with our children, then our grandson, now that he's too old, our granddaughter goes.

  9. yes i guess i have a lot of squirrel in me -- about mid sept i start getting everything winterized!!! i learned my lesson way back and will not be caught napping again!!!

  10. Something stirs in me (no pun intended) and I start making soup.  Pumpkin, chicken noodle, vegetable beef, shroom--I make it all.  It's wonderful and it freezes and the house smells great.  

    The bad part is--now my husband won't eat canned soup at all.  

    I don't know where it started--neither of our moms can cook worth a darn.  

  11. No, not really, I just look forward to the crispness in the air, and also Halloween in Oct. I enjoying buying a lot of candy for the trick or treaters. (Did I mention we NEVER have trick or treaters?) It's best to buy the candy just in case though, and more importantly to buy the candy that you like best.   ;)

  12. I start baking in the fall.  I do as little as possible in warm weather.  But let there be a chill in the air and I start craving apple pie and homemade bread.  

  13. I like to take long walks in the evening  then come home and make myself a big plate of fried green tomatoes and eat them on the porch while I look at the stars.

  14. Always have to have one last camping trip in the fall before we put the tents away for the  year. Halloween time always calls for carving pumpkins and making pumpkin seeds along with a costume party. I dont think I'll ever be too old to play dress up. I miss the smell of burning leaves (our pollution laws in town dont allow this) but cant resist jumping into the pile that I've raked up. We always take a ride to look at the trees changing colors and have dinner in a small country town on the way home.

  15. When I was in about second grade, I had to do a leaf collection project for school. My mom went with me and we collected all different sorts of leaves from around town. We made a beautiful album and I labeled all the trees that my mother somehow just knew. After that, I remember always going on fall walks to enjoy to leaves and changes.

    Now, every fall, I love to collect leaves with my own children. We collect different colors, sizes and shapes. I'm still not as good at idendifying all the varieties as my mom was, but hopefully I'm good enough that my children are "awed at how much mom knows."  We have made very classy placemats with the leaves as well as crazy collages.

    I also love visiting the pumpkin patch in the fall and going through the corn maze.

  16. Always place a scarecrow on the front porch, also a two bales of hay in the yard, with another scarecrow in back, and place pumpkins and gourds on the hay.

  17. I change the table decorations to fall  colors, reds, golds, yellows. Some are very pretty.  We sometimes use this time of year to tell ghost stories.

    I also put out mum plants and do some planting for the spring to come.

  18. HELP!  I've fallen & I can't get up!

    That's the tradition in my family.

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