
Do you have any advice for the US government or for the UK government?

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Do you have any advice for the US government or for the UK government?




  1. make the UK the 51st state

  2. Any chance of to stop wars,they are pointless.It seems you start wars to stop wars. Over 90% of world population do not want these pointless wars, it all revolves around money and greed, the root of all evils.

  3. Get lives.  Stop trying to run other peoples lives, especially half way across the world.

  4. No more killing innocent people. (No more illegal wars). Instead of wasting billions of pounds on wars, spend this money in your own countries and make them better. Why dont you give this money to help poor people in this country and around the world. Try and save a life instead of killing a life.

  5. Dont do what Bush did.

  6. Yes. Resign, so that we could do away with the concept of "democracy" and bring about a 'Senate' made of Elderly  Statesmen, headed by somebody representing a combination of  Oliver Cromwell, Sir Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher, Anwar Sadat, Kemal Ataturk, Eleftherios Venizelos, Josef Stalin, Ioannis Metaxas, Harry S. Truman, General Franco, Mao Tse Tung, and, Enver Hoxha. The result: Hoodies, Breeding Sows, Council Colins, Muggers, Binge Drinkers, Kiddie Fiddlers, Drug Dealers, Serial Benefits Johnnies, 'Sodomites', Thugs, Violent Psychos,  Terrorists, the Human Rights (oops sorry; "me yuma wry") Act, and, Political Correctness? Forgive me if I smile! Only England's and America's next 'Golden Century.'

  7. Advice? Create a voting system that make sense...and then when people vote, actually count the votes.

    Hence, do not allow people like George Bush to become elected...h**l, find a way to stop them from even running.

    Vin Dictator: "Outlaw/criminalize homosexuality, with the death penalty for sodomites."  Are you kidding me? Out of all the problems the U.S. has you focus on this?  How about ignore homosexuality as the only effect it has is clear up more women for the straight men.

  8. In no particular order:

    Reduce the size and scope of government by 99%.

    Print your own money based on national wealth. (Do not allow private banks to lend money to governments based on nothing but book interest to boot!)

    Stop stealing children from families.

    Re-establish patriarchy.

    Submit to God the LORD (Yahvh).

    Encourage big families.


    Outlaw/criminalize homosexuality, with the death penalty for sodomites.

    Abolish all forms of Communism - income tax, public 'education', etc.

  9. Brown is about as much fun as a wet weekend at Butlins.. get him to stop grimacing..

  10. Get out of Iraq and spend that money creating industry and jobs.

  11. resign now and let someone else do a better job.

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