
Do you have any advice to give about my babys father?

by  |  earlier

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Long story short we've been on and off for 3 years and we have a 2 year old son together. I love him very much but he has a problem with lieing. He lies about things that he doesn't even have to lie about. For example, he lied to my friends uncle about owning his own business when he doesn't. I would like to try to make things work between us but I don't know how to handle this. He's a good person otherwise. He provides for both my son and I. He gives me everything and anything I need and has been there for me through the hardests time of my life. Do you have any advice? I'm really desperate right now




  1. Ask him why

  2. Be careful.  I was engaged to a pathological liar a few years ago.....and when I finally called him out on some of his big, obvious lies (confirmed with a little internet research), he lost it.  That is what happened to Lori Hacking.

    I would leave this man......very seldom do habitual liars change.  It can't lead to anything good.

  3. I understand that he might not want to do this. But since you say that he gives you everything and anything, ask him to give you a few hours, and for him to see a psychiatrist. Believe it or not, it is pretty much the only way. That way the psychiatrist can talk to him and understand whats going on inside of his head. And most likely, he/she will be able to help him with his lieing problem. All you need his his willing participation.

    You need to make this work -- for your son. Please, have him see a psychiatrist. Thank you, and good luck :)

  4. I am in the same situation. Except I have been with him a lot longer. I actually married him and we have two children together. Lying is something that I can't stand, but for whatever reason  I married a person who has that problem. And yes, it is usually about stupid stuff that he is lying about. His family is telling me that he lied all the time when he was little and I guess he never grew out of it. I dont' know about your situation.

    My husband is also a good provider. And  he tries to be a good dad to his kids and I get everything that I need and mostly everything that I want too. So, I guess my point is that you either put up with it or get out of the relationship. I have done A LOT of praying for him and he is finally coming around. It just takes time and patience.

    Good luck with your decision and I hope I have helped in some way.

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