
Do you have any brothers or sisters and do they have probelm that you are g*y?

by Guest64163  |  earlier

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I HAVE A SISTER She is 23, and she has no problem that i am g*y and my boyfriends has a brother who is 17 and he has no problem that he is g*y




  1. My brother and sister are way cool with me.


  2. I have 3 sisters.  One is 46, and considering that she had a g/f at one point her, I don't think she minds much about how I live my life.

    My other sister is 42, we didn't grow up together so we're not real close anyway.

    My little sister is 24, and when I called home for Christmas she was like "what's wrong with your voice?" (hormones working) and I tried to avoid the subject because I wasn't ready to tell them, and she was like "Don't tell me" and I was like "Don't tell you what?" She said "You're getting a s*x change aren't you!?" So..I'm guessing she already knows and hasn't said anything negative to me about it.  I guess she kinda figured it would happen eventually.  :\  

  3. my sister, 14. is happy.. i think she loves me even more for being g*y.

    and my older brother.. im not sure if he knows!

  4. I have an older brother that is 22 and he is fine with me just as I am but my lil sis who is 16 says she hates me and wishes i would think this over and always ask me "are u sure?"

  5. Well i'm trans and one of the only two people that know I am is my sister. When I told her she promised she would not tell my parents, but it's something too odd for her and she doesn't want to be a part of it and i'll always be her brother.

  6. My sister is 9 years old, she knows that her borther dates boys, and she is indifferent because thats all shes ever seen or known from me.

  7. My lil sister when I first came out she was a ***** to me freaked out and then after awhile she got overit and learned to except me that I'm the same person I  have always been that she grew up with.  

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