
Do you have any comforting words for a hurting poet?

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I am back in my downer mood… I hate it here because I feel like such a burden. When one hears people talk you down so many times and make you feel worthless, regardless of weather or not you know that it isn’t true, it tends to take an effect on you.

Lately, you here and Answers! Are some of the only people I can go to with my pain. Though I hate it and feel like I am harping on my woes, pain is a real thing and the connection I have with many of you is something I cherish.

I just wanted to know if any of you had some comforting words for a hurting poet…

Blessed Be in Love, Light and the Poets Corner, Siren




  1. Please don't feel like a burden, as you enlighten so many with your intricate poetry...I feel like your writing comes from the heart, oftentimes describing things that I feel within myself. Take solace in the fact that you make others feel better- there is no gift greater than your ability to give, time and time again.

    I was thinking about posting a similar question for myself, but as you said, people often misinterpret the cry for help. It's not for attention, at all...I know that you are not 'harping on your woes,' and I hope that I can understand your pain. Everyone hurts sometimes, but always in different ways...try to remember that the only way to go from the very bottom is UP. So...things should get better, right? I keep telling myself this, and eagerly await the day that it will be true...

    ^^ Even in times of misery, you bless us. We are fortunate to be your friends, even at a distance. <3 I hope you find what you're looking for...

  2. Siren,

    All I can say to encourage you is we all go through these times (artists historically battle with mood swings and depression--it's probably a trade off for the creativity). You are certainly not a burden to anyone. Please hang in there. If you persevere you will get through it.

    I wish you all my best,


  3. Pen and paper is all you need,

    I Write feelings down,

    So pain won't feed.

    Gnawing tumultuously at my soul.

    Drowing my reality to fiction

    The wrathful creature. So difficult to control

    I roll on with the hits,

    Ignoring the intense scars left on me,

    Burning like fire, everywhere it spits,

    Leaving harsh burned traces,

    On my forever makred skin,

    Giving me painful faces,

    Its expression is only mean,

    Very few live to know,

    Its face is barley seen,

    Desperation and sorrow,

    Only attract this afflicted closer,

    We hide with fake laughs only to borrow

    I won't let it feed,


    My hands will bleed.

    I will continue to let myself out,

    Say what i savor

    Forever on my less traveled route

  4. I do. Hang in there my friend. All of my best poetry comes from the inner pain that lurks within the depths of my very soul. Take the words you feel within you and write a piece that inspires and awes the very pain  that lives inside your soul. I love you.

  5. Count your blessings, even when you don't feel like it,

    act as if you believe the blessings and so you will.

    there is always some body you would not trade places with.

    We live in stressful times, every body I think is a bit depressed, seek humor, seek Spirit, and remember to always count your blessings, don't compare.


  6. You should try practicing lovingkindness, it works!

  7. I know how hard it can be being talked down to by several people - and how it can affect - I would try and appreciate your own uniqueness - and maybe go search for some people in the non internet world who won't talk you down. Give yourself a big hug you precious human being you. Good luck.

  8. You could never be a burden.  Your creative poetry has been a source of happiness for so many and now is our opportunity to give back.  I can relate so well to what you are saying, both in the reality of pain and the cherishing of the connections. Let that connectedness be a source of healing for you now.  You are not alone and you are loved.

  9. Down, a temporary valley

    until the hill calls again

    until the sun beckons

    until the spirit soars

    Arise now and walk

    walk forward, to the hill

    see the possibilites

    feel the sun, calling

    And fly, fly once more

    for spirits demand

    and ever your spirit


  10. I marvel at a poet - their sensitivity. But maybe - it comes at a price - you may hurt more because of your sensitivity. Stop listening to negative vibes - not good for you.  You are the only judge you need.  Live your life and cherish each day as your last. I say that because of my personal condition. Each day will be an example of your shining soul - perfect in the eye's of your God. Be positive - let it leak out onto the negativity. Be strong - let it breach the weakness.  We care for you. God Bless. Namaste ♥

  11. I can definitely relate to how you are feeling, I can always sense when one of those moods is coming. When I get into moods like that, I try to get out of the house. Sitting in the house makes it worse for me, so I plan day trips with my children or take walks...anytime my mind is sitting idle for awhile is when I tend to get in those moods. Creative projects or energetic activities get my mood up a little. You are no burden to anyone, most of us have those moods from time to time. Artists are known for their intense feelings and sensitivity. If you need to talk, we're all here.

  12. HEY BUD

    I'm always down but i use it to write dark poetry

    try channeling your feelings to your work

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