
Do you have any experience on volunteery work?

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if yes tell me your story/experience

i'm considering one but im looking for something interesting




  1. I have done a lot of  volunteering work from teaching to ushering, from sorting for a clothes closet to sorting books for the library; volunteering is a great chance to find out the things you like to do without stressing about salary and you meet new people and learn new things.

    You can also quit at any time when you find its no fun anymore and not worry about how it will effect your life, just move on to something else.

  2. well i've volunteered at a hospital and greek festival

    the hospital was boring work since i did mostly clerical work (putting packets of forms together), folded sheets, stuffed pillowcases, or just sat in the waiting room to answer the phone.  i was dying of boredom the first couple of days but then i met some other kids and the monotonous work got a bit more enjoyable - i got a bit of experience

    for the greek festival it was great, i was running money (trying to get change from cashier to cashier) filling orders and eating - i gained 10 pounds (jk)

  3. voluntary work is a very Honourable thing to do, also it is a good beginning for experience. Most company's offer positions, obviously the ones where people don't really want to work, or where it is hard to find labour are always relying on voluntary labour much more than any other type of work.

    it would be great if there was control about the size of the company/business and a restriction on that of how many voluntary people they are allowed to have, so that paid positions are still available for those that want to do that kind of work as a job.

    It is only fair to recognise that any system can be manipulated by company's , so people who find it hard to study or are just not cut out for it, should have these positions to fall into, unfortunately have become very rare due to the huge voluntary workforce out there!  Just another angle to view this whole situation from?

  4. i've done a lot of volunteering, from library, temple, making cards for soldiers in iraq, to taking out the trash. it just helped me appreciate life.

  5. I have volunteered at Animal Control for over two years. I am now the volunteer coordinator.

    The only payment that you need is the love and affection that you get from the dogs. That is the most rewarding part. I have been offered a job twice but I choose to be an unpaid volunteer.

    I am getting my vet tech. because of this work just to be more knowledgeable for my position. I give vaccination and take care of the sick and injured animals also. I get to  see and handle a lot of interesting animals.

    Your volunteer work can turn into job offers, career changes, and be a huge rewarding experience.

    Good luck with what ever you do!!

  6. Voluntering is a wonderful experience. Depends on your interests are to pick one for you.

    Ive volunteered at a local theather. I was an usher. As a bonus I was able to stay and watch the shows for free. after the show I would make sure all got out of my area safe.

    I also volunteered at fairs to be able to get in free.

    Now I volunteer at the humane society. I go 4 hours a week. I get to play with the cats.

    Also during hurricane I take in cats whos families have to evacuate.

    so many fun adventures to do out there.

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