
Do you have any experience with the ouija board?

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Sometimes I'll be using my board and it will start repeating the same 3-4 letters over and over again. In your opinion, what could this mean?




  1. I have used them off and on many decades. In my experience they are just not reliable. They give misinformation and mispell words and just nonesense. I do not agree with the theory of demons since I do not believe in demons.

    I was reading the answers on other questions and followed some links someone gave and found this interesting article that I am not sure I agree with, but could believe this before believing in demons.


  2. I almost did not answer this because newyorkgal, seeker, and skeptic6 gave some very good answers. I just have to say I have used them off and on for 45 years 1962 I bought my first board. Yes I have heard many horror stories, but every person with a horror story has a  religious belief that they are evil and I am of the opinion it is their belief that causes these bad experiences due to their expecting to have a bad experience rather than actual demons or spirits using the board.

    I used to attend a church in the late sixties early seventies and many kids in that church claimed to be possessed after using the board and one time I was with a few and a couple started yelling and claiming things were flying and I was there and nothing was going on, but these two kids went to the altar and told their horror story and was uplifted and used for a ministry against things like the ouija board and witchcraft.

    The people I know personally who believe to have bad experiences are either very religious in a church that preaches demons attack  all the time or mentally ill and some are both. Now don't get me wrong I am not knocking the  church, just making an observation. some churches teach that demons are in every nook and cranny  just waiting to possess you and if you are taught that, then you are prone to believe you suffer demon attacks.

    For over 25 years I was in a Christian church that did not teach that demons possessed people in modern times and although they preached against using the board and some kids would repent after using it since they were not taught that demons were waiting to attack them, they had no horror stories.

    I have never, never, never had any bad experiences at all and have never seen anyone with a believable horror story. Just my opinion based on 45 years experience with an open mind.


  3. its just gonna explode in your face one day

  4. It means your hand is shaking. Calm down and try again.

  5. DON'T DO THAT!!!!!!

    They want to kill you...

    in the first, they will tell you what his/her name, and then why they died. Also they want you to do what they want, but be careful it maybe trap to kill you.

  6. I used to before I got saved and delivered.  

    Ouija boards are of the devil.  They are satanic evil spirits and no one should own one of them.  You don't know what you are  messing with when you play with one of those.  You are opening the door for many evil demonic spirits to come into your life.

  7. What are the 3-4 letters? Maybe it means whoever you are contacting stutters.

  8. There are many different beliefs in this world- what would prompt me to tell you to stop doing this because "in the Bible it says..."? While I'm not going to say that, I will say this: Either the spiritual realm is real or it isn't. If it is real... you, most likely, are an amatuer who has no idea what you are messing with. If you don't know what it is you are contacting; do not mess with it! I'm no spiritual expert but my feeling says: repeating letters = bad; repeating letters = anger.

    Well, either that or one other thing: if you don't get a bad feeling while you are doing this it is possible that those letters stand for something. Try asking that; ask if it stands for something... if it still keeps doing the letters leave it alone because it is pissed.

  9. Yes, I bought one at an antique store. I would be more interested in it's previous owners who might like to make contact thru it also.I suppose a psychic or remote viewer might be able to do this as well or even better. I like antiques because they have a history. It would be interesting to create a type of touch screen for spirits to do this instead of the board. I have heard of a device that allows them to speak to us clearly also. Many have been able to record EVP's but, are short messages or too distorted to make out.

  10. ouija borands aren't evil spirits they supposedly channel spiritual energy from the afterlife, and are often corrupted by evil spirits. I wish we knew what the numbers were. address, date of death etc. you could run some research via google.

  11. The ouija board is a harmless game that some people believe can conjure up "demons" and other "evil" entities and can be very dangerous.(yawn)

    Here is a little experiment that you can do for yourself, put your hands on the planchette and ask the board 1 or 2 questions, make a note of the answer(s), now have someone blindfold you and with hands still on the planchette, ask the same question or questions over again and see what you get.

    What is moving the planchette is nothing more than what is called the " ideomotor effect," unconsciously the person is moving their hands enough to make the planchette seem like it is moving on it's own or by a "supernatural" force.

    Contrary to what people want to attribute it to, there is nothing "magical" or "evil" involved.

  12. well it could mean that you have whats called a low level entity.Their basiclly the degenerates of the spirit world ,And all they want is really to suck you energy so I would recommend discoutinuing the use of the board .Because really it could invite things in you dont want and it sounds like this is a negative entity so DISCONTINUE use of the me I speak from expereience .

  13. The Ouija board won't hurt you.  It's probalby trying to give you a message.

  14. There are good spirits and bad spirits and either one can communicate with you through an Ouija board. There are many cases where people have been harassed or possessed by spirits after using these boards.

    There are ways to protect yourself and ensure that only benign things can come. Try making prayers to any deity or deities you believe in. If you believe in angels, ask them to protect you. If you have any objects that represent protection, keep them next to you while you use the board. They will work best if you first concentrate on them having a meaning of protecting you spiritually.

    So, on to the letters... I can't say. It may be a being trying to communicate something but unable to do it. It may be the fault of your own brain, since you probably realize that there is no reason for the being to speak english and the words or letters must be translated by your mind while open and accepting. By the way, that is what makes it dangerous. If you have anything or anybody that watches over you, angels, spirit guides, deceased relatives or otherwise, ask them to protect you while you communicate and you will be able to open your mind more easily.

    Remember that if any being is sending you angry, threatening messages or feelings, they are not safe to have around and you must stop communicating with them at once. Also, there are other ways to contact spirits than the Ouija board and many are safer, you may wish to look it up on the internet. There are many sites with reliable and accurate information on this.


    There are indeed demons and this is the perfect way for them to approach you. Beware anything that tries to flatter you or promise you help, because while some might want to help you most are trying to trick you into allowing them into your life to use your energy. Also beware anything that is unwilling to give you its name, and always ask for a name first.

    Also, while my answer is not based specifically on Ouija boards, this is what I have learned from contacting beings with a variety of methods and the rules are pretty constant. Keep them in mind whenever dealing in the supernatural.


    i can't stress how much you shouldn't use it!

    it is such a bad thing just burn them!

    ouiji boards cause spirits to be pulled from their own dimension which then causes an angered spirit!

    and that means poltergeists or worse!

    also how people are said possesed.


  16. Ok to the idiots who are talking about the ouija board as being from the devil and all, shut up.  They are sold at Toys R Us for Christ's sake.  I have had plenty of experiences with the board and honestly, maybe you have a peticular spirit that is hanging around.  It happens, it doesn't mean that it's bad or anything.  See if you can find out what it means.  Do some research.  Good luck.

  17. It means you're messing with something you shouldn't be messing with.  It means you should REALLY STOP what you're doing before you invite something very bad into your life.  It may be too late.

    You use the board, so you obviously believe that there's something to the whole spirits thing.  Following that logically, you should also be open to the possibilty of God, the devil, etc.  And if THAT's the case, the Bible says very clearly DO NOT MESS WITH OUIJA BOARDS, SPIRITS, talking to the dead, psychics, the occult, etc.  

    Google ouija boards etc.  Look at all the stories that you find about people playing around with that kind of thing, and what happens to them.

    Then read your Bible.  Seriously.

    Don't listen to people who say that a ouiji board won't hurt you.  They have NO idea what they're talking about.  Honestly, do some research and see if you can find one tiny bit of good that has come about from playing with ouiji boards, and check out the thousands of stories of the bad that's come from them.  I know it's intriguing, but you will regret it.

  18. never worked for me, i always feel i am the one moving the lens over the letters

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