
Do you have any famous relatives/ancestors?

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If so, who? Just interested :)




  1. well my 3rd cousin  Adam Vinatieri is the kicker for the NFL Colts and I know there is a connection to Evil Knieval in there somewhere. Also, my great, great grandfather, Felix Vinatieri was the band director for General George Armstrong Custer in the 1800's. Oh, and then there's that Chzech great great great grandma who apparently was a serial killer who's favorite weapon of choice was poisonous mushrooms! haha As the family lore goes, she took care of more than one dissastisfying husband and several other gents through her mushroom soups!! I still get a kick outta that one... perhaps I shouldn't... =)

    I've heard there's more but I want to research it all a bit more!

  2. Not on my side, but there is a vague chance that my husband is distantly related to Captain Cook.

    It has been a rumour in his family for years, and so far I have found that he has ancestors called Cook from the same part of the country as Captain Cook, but I haven't connected them (yet!).

  3. Not me, but my hubby is related to former Presidents James Madison and Jimmy Carter

  4. Almost all of us have some famous relatives, though we usually don't know about it. Figure that you had 2 parents. Each of them had 2 parents, so you have 4 grandparents. Thus you have 8 great grandparents. The number doubles every generation. By the time you get back to the American Revolution, you've had hundreds of ancestors - and it keeps growing the more you dig.

    We all have a lot of ordinary folks in our ancestry, but with those numbers we've got to have somebody famous in there.

    I'm descended from Col. William Byrd of Westover and Robert "King" Carter, two famous and wealthy 18th century Virginians.  I'm also a cousin to Robert E. Lee and to presidents William Henry Harrison and Benjamin Harrison.  Got some writers in the family - and a few not so respectable folks. One ancestor was expelled from his colony for being involved in a Loyalist plot to kill the "rebel" governor and restore the royal governor during the American Revolution! I've got kings and queens, barons and bad guys in my ancestry ... but mostly just a lot of farmers, teachers and tradesmen.

    Dig into your own family and see who you can find. It's even more fun to find a "naughty" one than a nice once. :)

  5. I knew a lizard once who said he was a Brontosaurus on his mother's side, I let him have it.

  6. i cant remember there names but my mothers third cousins are Scottish twins who sing that song- I'm on my way to happiness to me ah ha ah ha ah ha!! its on the movie sherk if that helps xo

  7. my husbands cousin is David Carridine. (the kung fu man) they were never in touch with each other though.

  8. Foster Hewitt (hockey anouncer.. "he shoots, he scores!")

    Buffalo Bill's driver, lol.

    Lloyd Robertson.. Chief Anchor and Senior Editor of CTV News.

    My grandfather has also told me that we're related to Cap'n Blackbeard. He has an old pirate ring that he always wears..

    I'm not sure how we're related though.

    Theres more, but i can't quite remember.

    And my friend.. is related to Gene Kelly.. I thought that was pretty cool. ;)

  9. Well apparently according to my grampa on my mom's side of the family one of my great ancestors was a general in saladin's army, but I have no clue what his name is

  10. VN Vet phrased it correctly...more fun to find the naughty ones!

    (I have a few.) However, (gonna be long winded here)...

    A woman was submitting her ancestry to the DAR, hired a very respectable company to properly document her lines.  Information came back that one of her g.g.grandfathers had been hung for murder.  She was horrified.  Contacted the company in panic...could not submit that information!  Company wrote back a few days later...thusly:  "Your g.g.grandfather was being hosted at a event, and fell from the stage, killing himself instantly."

  11. JFK, Richard Burton and my great great great uncle is heinrich himmler.

    P.S Don't put thumbs down because it's true.

  12. Apparently according to my grandma, far back, like 6th cousin..I am related to Madonna

  13. I don't know the name but my whole family (going back 100 years) has served in the army. My grandma's great grandfather won a big award for his efforts. Like i said don't know the name but I do have pictures.

  14. I'm descended from Andrew Jackson, William Wallace, and John Paul Jones (father of the US navy..."I have not yet begun to fight").

    I'm related to Jack Dempsey, heavyweight boxing champion from 1919-1926, and Michael Collins, the father of the Irish republic.

    Oh, and, for what it's worth, I'm related through marriage to the wife of the head of Paul Mitchell (Jean Paul Galtier).  You know, the guy with the ponytail? She was playboy playmate of the month during the late eighties. I saw her at thanksgiving.  She could probably still pose today.

  15. I am related to Dorothy Comingore, who was an actress who starred in several films including Citizen Cain (the 2nd wife).

    7th cousin to General John J. "Blackjack" Pershing (WWI)

    My mother said that we are related to Buffalo Bill Cody, but I can't find anything.

    I have been researching some proof of noble and royal lineage, but thats still a work in progress.

  16. I have Australian Royalty - being a convict named Edmund Steel sentenced to life for machine breaking in 1831.  He was pardoned after 7 years, remarried, returned to England and collected his first family (his first wife had died) and settled back in Australia.  We Aussies are so proud of our convicts the backbone of our great country!!!

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