
Do you have any funny or embarrassing volleyball stories?(10 POINTS IF ANSWERED)?

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Tell me the most hilarious thing that has ever happened to you or someone you know, while playing volleyball.




  1. well, idk if youll find this funny, it probably happens to alot of people, but it was in a really important tourney and i was serving, and i got up ther, and was bouncin the ball , and it hit my shoe and flew the other

  2. This actually happened to me today. We were scrimmaging and i had just dug the ball so I was off the net. My coach sets the ball to me , but she set a one and I behind the 10 foot line. I drove for the ball and it went over. But as I drove I went under the net, hit the other middle blocker, knocked her out of her shoes, and we both were down. They just continued to play while we were on ground trying to get up. It was really funny!

  3. So i played volleyball all my life n i have a really loud voice. so wen i say "got it!" or "help!" it tends 2 come out ALOT louder than i realize. well 1 day i had i party and the cutest guys were there! we decided 2 play volleyball just for fun. well the ball came towards me so i screamed "got it!" so loud that everbody could hear. so that means that EVERBODY looked at me! i was determened 2 get the ball so i was watching it n trying 2 run towards it. while i was running i tripped and fell but i didnt just fall 2 the ground! on my way down, i completely smashed my face against the pole! i got up n noticed that EVERYONE saw it!!!!! i was SOOOOOOOOO embarassed!

  4. just yesterday at my practice we were scrimmaging the boys team.  this giant kid slammed the ball at my head and i fell smack down in front of all the boys!!! it didn't hurt that bad, but i was on the floor dizzy for like 3 minutes.  i was so embahressed! but it was hilarious.

    last year my friend's mom took a picture of me picking a wedgie in my spandex so that she could prove that i always did it.  she made copies for everyone!

  5. once when i was i 7th grade i rolled on the ground for a ball and my shirt came up(but i still got the ball over). and later in the same game i crashed into the chairs where the parents were sitting.

    in 8th grade we played a team that like freshly waxed their floors, so of course the first time i went for a dig in the back row, i passed the ball, but kept sliding, until i was under the net.

    & on my current team this girl always gets hit in the head during hitting lines, and servings drills, but nobody means to. the funny thing is she's skinny and short but of course she gets hit every

  6. This happens to alot of people or whatever but approaching to early and missing the ball. Playing and your shoe comes off

  7. one time at practice my coach threw the ball at this one girl but she wasn't paying attention so  it hit her on the head two time in a row. another time was i was trying to pancake but the ball went the other direction and hit my foot so it went flying up and went over the net so i looked really stupid just lying  on the floor because the ball went no were near my hand...

  8. Well , one time I thought I had my kneepads on because im a dumb person, and I dove for the ball, and i fall on my knees and there is a  big SCREEEEECH, everyone looks at me and Im like, OUCH! I get up and my knees are seriosusly Black! It hurt so bad and everyone teased me from then on.

  9. well i duno if u will find it funny but i was play volleyball with a couple of m8's and i have gone up for a smash at the same time as some 1 else and they smashed it first and it hit me dead in the face and put me on my **** lol plz can i have the 10 points

  10. A ref called my daughter for being in the the net, and when her coach questioned the ref, he said it was because her ponytail was in the net!  The ref ended up calling for a "jump ball" [do over].

  11. In school I was behind a buddy and when he jumped to hit the ball I yanked his shorts down. He came crashing down because the short were around his ankles. Unfortunately for him he wasn't wearing anything underneath and it was a mixed game with the girls. He was laying there bare butt and everything else in full view as he struggled to get the shorts back up. And of course, it was cold so he was shrunken up.

    He was PO'ed at me and got even later.

  12. A good friend of mine got her braces caughtin the net for like 30 mins, she was freaking out and screaming for most of it, they finally just cut her out of the net...

    We called her  "the porpoise" ( a dolphin like animal)  for the rest of highschool.

  13. well during a game i was going to serve and everyone on our bench started to yell at me and i was like WHAT and they explained to me that the the point wasnt ours and it was the other teams i was soooooo embaressed :(

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