
Do you have any goals ... how have your goals changed?

by  |  earlier

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I'm asking the "Seniors" because I'm interested in how they view this topic specifically.




  1. my goal : fu*k a supermodel before i die


    i agree, just trying to be immature

  2. I really have 2 goals, a goal for the future and a daily goal.

    The daily goal is made every night before I go to bed at night of what I want to get done the next day. What don't get done that day, is added to the goal for the next day.

    The future goal has changed several times over the years. At one point in my life when I was younger, my goal was to find a man that didn't cheat and would be good to me and my kids and also be a good provider. That has since changed to being a caregiver for my parents helping my daughter when I can. Providing for myself. I think my life is getting ready to change for the better, but I can't say how yet as I don't want to jenks myself.

  3. I have goals that consist of proceeding my future purpose no matter how much of it may be difficult

    My desire is to have a warrior not a husband, a home not a house and some children that can be leaders in their future ~ plus a boxer son ;~) if he has the heart/gift for it

    Also, I would like to be a leader in counseling of people esp who need restoration w/ the assistance of God

    I desire to own a _______ bar

    I desire to own a bed and breakfast (different type) so grandbabies can share moments on a large field to run around

    I desire to not take things so personal and give mercy to others when they may just not get it

    So as far as my goals changing ~ absolutely because when I was in my 20's it was all about me wanting a house, a husband, someone to give me everything because I gave everything ~ I felt I was owed but not so much anymore ~ I owe God and my family for supporting all my mess ups and dreams

    Money isn't as important nor is Chanel ~ they are nice things as special awards but to think this is the most important thing now is just silly ~ I want to die a legend not a selfish superficial lonely beatch

    but I still have so much work to do on myself too  

  4. Get out of bed; be able to function with a minimum of pain; get things done around the house; help someone with something; put a smile on someone's face. Anything more is gravy.

  5. Goals imply dreams... for many of us those all went up in smoke long long ago... and in what now certainly feels like a galaxy far away.

  6. My goal is $2 million.  Changed?  Well, previously it was only $1 million.

    Have a Senior day.

  7. Oh, I agree with so many of these answers !  Goals,  through the years,  change along with what we value. . .In our youth we saw TV shows like Leave it to Beaver, and Ozzie and Harriet, and that was what we wanted.  Some of us found that goal, and others had to set new ones.  Financial gain may be the goal of a work-a-holic. . I place no value in materialistic things . . .if I won the lottery I would share it with friends, or better yet, through a big party and invite everyone here to it - expenses all paid for.Wouldn't that be great ! !   Now I value  God, love and laughter and friendship above all else ! ! !

    Hey blu, what was your favorite TV show ?  The question was deleted ? ? ?   I am dying to know ! ! !

  8. The older I get the more my goals change. I once wanted a man to love me, wanted to have fun and shun responsibility, wanted to be gorgeous and to look a certain way, and to be happy. But today, I have those things which offer "security" (house, husband, kids, occupation and work in what I love doing) but I am no where nearer my inner goals. With each passing year, I seek more inner peace and harmony. I crave to know more about our world and universe, about our spiritual selves and how to become more spiritually oriented in this mad  materialistic place we live in, in order to gain that inner quiet which I crave more than anything. Is that a goal or a basic survival need, I don't know.  

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