
Do you have any good yugioh card strategies?

by  |  earlier

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just wonderin what they are...

one of mine is with my dinosaur deck:

use macro cosmos, once i have enough dinosaurs, play tyranno usually gets some high attack points =]

so how about you guys? any GOOD, ORIGINAL, strategies?

[ones that not everyone would think of]




  1. this may sound crazy but i have a really powerful trap deck (25 traps, 10 monsters, 6 spells).most people wouldnt kno how to handle a deck that can destroy anything that is thrown at it! run a few monster/spell/trap destroying cards for those troublesome jinzos/decrees, chunk a few well protected raging flame sprites and burners to take out your opponent at a controlled pace!

    It's a bit tricky but trust me it works.

  2. My strategy is to put a lot of high level monsters in my deck and get them to the graveyard.(cards like lightning vortex, snipe hunter, magic jammer, foolish burial you notice most of them say discard 1 card.) Then special summon it from the graveyard with cards like call of the hanted, premature burial, and decoy dragon. you might want to put in a lot of dragon high level monsters because of decoy dragon.

  3. my personal strategy is "be unpredictable, underestimated, and overprepared" i have cards in my deck that can stop, overpower, or negate anything. if you want a list e-mail me at

  4. A personal favorite of mine is The Eye of Truth and A Bad Reaction to Simochi combo.  It's a variation of burn that not too many people play.  Not that many people see it coming.  Combo it with 3 Upstart Goblins and 2 or 3 Nurse Reficules and 2 or 3 Gift Cards.  You'll have one h**l of a burn deck.  Your only problem would be Jinzo, Decree, and Prime Material Dragon.  You need to make sure you run 3 Solemn and 3 Dark Bribe at least.

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