
Do you have any humorous sleepwalking stories ?

by Guest67130  |  earlier

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Do you have any humorous sleepwalking stories ?




  1. I dreamed that I heard my small dog barking outside, and woke up to find myself half way down the block in the middle of the night (looking for my dog).

    I came back in the house to find my dog curled up on the bed, asleep. He was never out to begin with.

  2. when i was younger my cousin was sleep walking in the middle of the night and went to pee in the refrigerator thats a true story.

  3. LOL the fridge!!! Bin there dun that except my stepdad caught me just before i peed!! LOL sleepwalkin was a big problem in my family. I have emptied my wardrobe lukin for a pair of socks wen they ar in my drawer and i Have gone outside and just sat there, my mum once found me in the cupboard under the stairsr haha My daughter sleepwalks she walks in my room round my bed and out. My mum once woke my lil sister up from the settee to go to bed, She said she was hungry so my mum told her to go get a sarnie, She opened the front door and picked up a brick ready to eat it only for my mum stopping her shes still got her teeth haha. I ran round once thinkin the biker mice from mars were after my dad.

  4. Not of my own but my sister once walked into my parents room pulled down her pants and peed on my moms burro. Finished and pulled upher pants and went back to bed.

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