
Do you have any idea what could be causing jolts of pain in my hand?

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I've been having jolts of pain from the tip of my thumb and along my forearm today when I close my thumb tightly to grab something. I play violin but this has never happened before and it just started today all of a sudden. I haven't been playing/practicing excessively and I can't think of anything else that could have caused the pain. Has anyone ever experienced something like this or know what it might be?




  1. I had this problem for two weeks. When I would use my left hand it would hurt up my arm and in my elbow. I went to the chiropractor and something was off. He used something that sounded like a stapler and tapped my shoulder, elbow and inside my wrist and it feels better.

  2. It could be carpal tunnel syndrome.

  3. oh, im pretty sure you have carpol tunnel sindrome. this is caused mostly from typing, playing and instrument, etc... violin, guitar, piano... mostly things that make you hands work hard can cause it... I would to go my doctor if i where you... Hope this helps!

    Get well soon.

  4. Yes, carpal tunnel. Find a doctor who specializes in carpal tunnel with musicians. There are several in the NYC area if you are on the east coast.

    In the meantime, you can get a wrist brace to help when you aren't playing. Also, look at your hand position when you play violin. Adjust where you are putting the weight of the violin. Also, using the computer for hours at a time can contribute to this. You didn't say in which hand you experience the pain.

    If it isn't from the violin, it could be from poor posture. Your neck muscles are connected down your arms and into your fingers. My physical therapist tells me there is a place in  your upper neck where these muscles all come together.  

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