
Do you have any ideas for DIY luau decorations?

by Guest55968  |  earlier

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Having a big party in a few weeks. Are there any DIY luau decorations that you can share with me?




  1. It's DIY, but the dollar stores have a ton of luau decorations.

    You can use pineapples as table centerpieces or hollow them out and use them as candle holders.

  2. well for the girls you could give em real flowers to wear in their hair

  3. DIY lei's:

    You need....artificial flowers, clear or brightly colored straws and string.

    Take the flowers apart.  Make sure they are flowers that have layers, I have gotten mine at the dollar store before.  Cut your straws into 2-3 inch pieces.  Cut pieces of string long enough for a lei.  Put them together!!  Piece of straw, flower, piece of straw, flower...etc etc.

    If this is a children's party, often I have let the children make them for theirself.  It takes up some time and everyone gets to pick their own colors!

    Also, and this is only for children's party too,  Buy some small garbage bags and cut slits in them to resemble straw skirts.  Kids like this, too.  

  4. ^That would be nice. The pineapple thing. And try making paper flowers made of colorful crepe paper and hang it on a string and hang it all over the place.

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