
Do you have any ideas of things to do for babysitting a 9 year old girl three days every week over the summer?

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i don't want it to get boring since i'll be seeing her like allllll the time




  1. well there is always pool, park. you can to craft stuff with her. go to a craft store and try to find stuff there. you can always find all kinds of ideas in a craft store.

  2. Fill an ice cube tray with water and add a few drops of food coloring into each section (alternate colors and sections). Freeze them and put in a ziploc freezer bag. As the ice melts the colors will blend. Keeps babies occupied for about 30 min, unless this is during bath time then it will amaze the child for longer.

  3. Duct tape and a gag

  4. See what she's interested in. If she likes basketball, play ball. If she likes cheerleading research some cheers and do them together. Kids that age tend to like Board games, and a lot of board games are educational these days. You can also rent children's movies, but nothing babyish like Barney or Wiggles. Do things outside. You can get waterballoons and run through the sprinkler (that never gets old). There are lots of different games you can play with water balloons. You could also try water guns (Waterplay in general is always fun for kids). Jump on the trampoline if she has one. Visit the park and eat a picnic. Play dress up (as long as it's okay with her mother). Look for crafty things, like friendship bracelets to put together. My sister is eleven, and I recently got her interested in scrapbooking with me. You can do this random things found around the house. Read books together. Do each others nail (even if she isn't as great as it as you are).

    Girls that age are so fun, I love spending time with my sister, and usually she always has ideas of things we can do as well. Good luck, and Ihope I helped.

  5. She can tell you at 9 what she's into or wants to do.  Some ideas may include


    Water fight/sprinkler

    Computer games

    Baking cookies

    Roller skating


    Having a scavenger hunt or obstacle course

    Writing stories


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