
Do you have any kids in preschool?

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hey guys i just got ajob as a preschool teacher im the mother of a 1 year old can you guys give me any tips and ideas and what uappreciate or disilike andyourkids teachers




  1. Be loving but firm.

    Establish a good routine that stays the same most of the time. Kids that age need a solid routine.

    You could have a folder that goes home at the end of the day for each kid. Quite a few teachers have a monthly calendar page where the kids get stickers if they had a good day and if there was a problem a short note to the parent on that day. It goes home every day and parents sign each day. Also work done or info flyers go home in the folder.

    The kids are sweet and lots of fun if you have a routine and consequences that don't change.

    I hate teachers that fly by the seat of their pants all the time and don't communicate with parents.

  2. for me...its when the person that is taking care of my children embrace them as children...they can see through the eyes of a child...its a great thing...have fun!

  3. No.

  4. One thing to be sure to do, is be honest with the parent. A teacher that my daughter had when she was in preschool was dishonest with me. We as a family choose not to celebrate holidays. I had clearly let her teachers know our standing. Yet, one teacher "felt sorry" for her since she did not participate in holiday things. So she would tell me things like "Were having a spring party" "Were having a winter party". Then I would ask if it was affiliated with Easter or Christmas. She would answer "No, its just for fun for the kids", yet I would come to find out that it was a holiday theme. If you have a bunny, eggs, and basket around the time of Easter, it is affiliated with Easter, no matter what you name it. I did not appreciate that she would not tell me the truth when I have a right to know, and a right to make a decision for my child. I know her intent was good, in that she "felt sorry" for my child not participating, but my child has a great life. She has more than I did growing up.

    So please be sure to respect parents decisions regarding holidays or other personal matters. My daughter finally got a teacher that did respect our standing and I really appreciate her for being honest with me.

  5. As a teacher, always try to communicate in person, not on the phone or by e-mail.  Try to to jump to conclusions about children and any situations that may arise before talking to parent.  Be open for parents to talk with you.  I am a preschool teacher and I take pictures of the kids and every so many months I burn them onto a picture CD for the parents.  It only cost about $.50 per cd.  I also have a "question of the day", and I ask the kids a question, write down their answer, and save a bunch, type them up and hand them out to the parents.  I also do weekly newsletters and include pictures in the letter.  I think that communication is key to success as a preschool teacher.  I also heavily believe in the value of play, so I try to educate the parents on how the children are learning through play.  I dislike parents who think that preschool means kindergarten. There is a reason that 4 year olds do not go to kindergarten!  They are not ready yet...

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